• This repository consists of files required to deploy a WEB APPLICATION created with Flask on Heroku platform.
• You can see deployed model in heroku , use below link for reach to deployed model:
Heroku: https://diabetes-prediction-v-1.herokuapp.com/
• If you want to check the algorithems,models, accuracy just Click the link mentioned below:
Link: https://github.com/OvinduWijethunge/diabetes-Model
You must have Scikit Learn, Pandas (for Machine Leraning Model) and Flask (for API) installed.
This project has four major parts :
- RandomForestClassifier.py - This contains code of our Machine Learning model to predict diabetes status on trainign data in 'diabetes.csv' file.
- app.py - This contains Flask APIs that receives diabetes details through GUI or API calls, computes the precited value based on our model and returns it.
- statics - This uses for store css files and some gifs ton use while presenting.
- templates - This folder contains the HTML template to allow user to enter reuired detail and displays the predicted diabetes status.
type python app.py for start your server then copy the given url and paste it in your browser then input valid inputs and predict your salary
• Front end was influenced by https://predicting-diabetes.herokuapp.com/