It is simple shopping list Android application, which is made in less than 48 hours
- User can search for varity of products to buy
- User can see search suggestions if he/she mistyped a product
- User can check items from the list, it will move down and come transparent
- User can know the price of each item, as well as the expected final total
- User can keep the list between sessions of app usage
- User can sort items by categories which makes checing related items easier
- User can delete item wheter checked or unchecked by swiping the item to the left
- User can restore the UNDO button from the snackBar
- Finally, user can reset the whole list
- SQLite for list saving between sessions
- MaterialSearchView library to provide powerful the search tool
- RecyclerView to implement the list of items instead of ListView
- Dynamic loading of porducts from API
- Support many languages
- Support multiple lists
- Connect it with Firbase to keep user list(s) in CloudStorage