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PGC PTSD Epigenetics Working Group Quality Control and Analysis Pipelines

The following scripts can be used to run the quality control pipeline as detailed in Ratanatharathorn et al. (2017).

Briefly, background Corrected beta-values, methylation signals, and detection p-values are loaded from iDATs in GenomeStudio and extracted into a txt file for QC to be performed in R using the following scripts:

  1. 01_bkgdcor_QC_prep.R - extracts the beta-values, methylation signals, and detection p-values from the GenomeStudio output

  2. 02_bkgdcor_QC_CpGassoc.R - Samples with probe detection call rates <90% and those with an average intensity value of either <50% of the experiment-wide sample mean or <2,000 arbitrary units (AU) are excluded. Data points with probe detection p-values >0.001 are set to missing, and CpG sites with missing data for >10% of samples are excluded from analysis.

  3. 03_bkgdcor_beta_BMIQ_bySample.R - Probes that cross hybridize between autosomes and sex chromosomes (Chen 2013) are removed and Beta Mixture Quantile Normalization (BMIQ) is run.

  4. 04_bkgd_beta_ComBat_bySample.R - ComBat run to account for sources of technical variations. Prior to ComBat correction, missing data is imputed using the nearest-neighbor method with default parameters. Before imputation, a flag matrix is created with a true value in a particular cell indicating the presence of missing information for the particular cell. Beta values are then transformed into m-values. ComBat is run once to adjust for chip designation and a second time to adjust for the 12-point position designation. If the chips are not balanced, case designation and/or other relevant covariates (i.e. gender) are included. Following ComBat, m-values are converted back to beta values and missing values added back in using the flag matrix.

Two other scripts are used:

  1. bkgdcor_beta_QC_popStrat_1bp.R - runs the Barfield et al. (2014) code for estimating ancestry PCs using CpG sites within 1 bp of a SNP. PCs 2-4 are included in as covariates in the cross-sectional analysis.

  2. FlowSortedBlood450K.R - runs the minfi estimateCellCounts() function to estimate cell types using the raw iDAT files.


Quality Control Pipeline for EWAS data






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