Releases: PHINIA-FS-Tools/Flasher
- CanHwConf::BitTimingConf field is added to .NET interface, when developing plugin DLL.
You may use it to provide bit timing configurations instead of baud rate.
// CAN example:
docConf.HwConf.BitTimingConf = "Tseg1:13;Tseg2:2;Sjw:1;Brp:1;Sam:1";
// CAN-FD example:
docConf.HwConf.BitTimingConf = "ClockFreqMhz:40;ArbTseg1:68;ArbTseg2:11;ArbSjw:11;ArbBrp:1;DataTseg1:4;DataTseg2:3;DataSjw:3;DataBrp:1"; - [Minor] Tool has a safe mode to skip possible startup problems.
dds_flasher.exe /safe
- [Minor] Support to check for updates, and see the release notes (CLF-348).
- [Bug Fix] Several plugin DLLs causing tool to crash during startup. (e.g. UDS_TOOL_SYMC_E6d_v2.dll, UDS_TOOLS_SYMC_E6D_AIO.dll)
Issue is active in v6.1.1 and v6.2.
High-DPI monitor support is added. Several icons are changed.
Tool starts to import S1 data lines in a ULP (Motorola SRec) file. After some investigation, we noticed that tool was not importing S1 lines because of old PSA/RSA projects. This modification will not affect flash operations.
New J1939 settings:
. That will provide filtering received J1939 messages better. -
Kvaser device support is improved. Kvaser CAN-FD device support is added. #kvaser
[Minor] Shortcut support for comment/uncomment buttons (Ctrl+Shift+C and Ctrl+Shift+U).
[Bug Fix] "Generate Flash Script" works incorrect. The start-address bytes are reversed. Issue is active starting from v6_1.
[Bug Fix] Floating license is not released when tool is used in console mode.
Release Date: 2024-03-28
function is added. #DotNetInterfaceWait(100); // wait 100 msc
function's second argument is optional. #DotNetInterfaceOpenComm("DOC"); // second argument not used
keyword is added to both Flasher script and .NET API in order to change P2* configuration. #Script #DotNetInterfaceCHANGE REQ_RESP_MAX_EX 5000
- Minor fix for
configs in .NET interface. #DotNetInterface - [Breaking Change] When tool is executed from command prompt, log file name is relative to current directory. It was relative to Flasher-log directory. This change does not affect you if you provide log-name as absolute path. #ConsoleSupport
- Plugin DLL sample is updated.
- Minor visual improvements.
Release Date: 2023-10-18
Tool underlying framework is changed to dotNET7. Runtime will be installed with the setup, if it is not installed before.
- Tool uses "Segue UI, 9pt" font, which is more aligned to the Windows user experience (UX) guidelines.
- [Minor] Several icons are updated.
- [Minor] BorgWarner to Phinia adaptations.
- [Minor] Developer level log management is simplified. It is moved to Help menu.
- [Bug Fix] AUTOSAR FlexRay TP (DARF) protocol fails to transmit multi-frame messages. #FlexRay
- [Bug Fix] Tool does not run from command line if
is not specified. #command_line - [Bug Fix] Data transmission is not working when PEAK LIN device is used. #LIN
- [Bug Fix] TX and RX notification is mixed when Peak LIN is used. #LIN
- [Bug Fix] Reading long response message fails rarely when UDS on CAN is used (for example, during UPLOAD). #UDS #CAN
Release Date: 2023-03-02
- Peak-system LIN device support is added (beta stage) (CLF-293).
- Minor improvements for displaying plugin inventory.
- [Bug Fix] Receiving all zero bytes UDS message causes exception (CMP-62).
- [Bug Fix] Unable to activate tool license because it considers PC is virtual machine. (Rare issue which may happen in customer PCs)
Release Date: 2022-09-30
- SAE J1939/22 support is added for using J1939 on CAN-FD bus (CMP-47). #J1939
J1939/22 will be used if CAN-FD is activated for the device. See user guide for samples and restrictions. - FlexRay improvements:
- Diagnostic on AUTOSAR FlexRay TP (DARF) communication mode is added. #FlexRay
It is alternative transport layer implementation to ISO 10681-2. - Tool is able to use Vector Advanced FlexRay Driver Library license (if available) to cold start the FlexRay bus (CMP-59). #FlexRay
Otherwise, you need another startup-sync node on the FlexRay bus. If you have any other FlexRay device alternative, please let us know. - FlexRay cycle toolbar behavior is changed. Starting a FlexRay script/plugin does not initiate the toolbar. #FlexRay
- Diagnostic on AUTOSAR FlexRay TP (DARF) communication mode is added. #FlexRay
- CAN/CAN-FD baud rate improvements
- Support to type a CAN/CAN-FD baud rate value instead of selecting from a list.
parameter support for setting bit-timing configuration of CAN/CAN-FD. #Script #DotNetInterface
Example:CHANGE CAN_BIT_TM "Tseg1:13;Tseg2:2;Sjw:1;Brp:1;Sam:1"
script command accepts baud rates like "500K" or "5M". #Script
parameter support for setting BRS bit in CAN-FD frame. #DotNetInterface- [Minor] Support to open the plugin folder, and update the plugin list (CMP-58).
- [Bug Fix]
script commands do not work correctly. #Script