PHP-Prefixer and Prefixed Illuminate Support are not affiliated with or endorsed by Laravel. The original Illuminate Support repository can be found here:
The Illuminate Support component is one of the core Laravel packages. It provides essential functionality used across the platform.
PHP-Prefixer is a service to apply PHP prefixes to namespaces, functions, helpers, traits, interfaces, etc. You start with a Composer project and a set of dependencies and prefix all library files at once to generate a consistent prefixed codebase. PHP-Prefixer abstracts the complexity of manually applying prefixes to PHP files. The service automates and streamlines the process of prefixing while providing the scalability and simplicity of serverless computing.
The Prefixed Illuminate Support can be used in several scenarios such as system migrations, multiple PHP versions support, modernization of codebases, and more. The package contains the prefixed 6.x, 7.x, and 8.x branches. A project can simultaneously use any of these branches or the latest Illuminate Support library.
By default, the branches are prefixed in this way:
- Laravel Illuminate Support 6.x: prefix
- Laravel Illuminate Support 7.x: prefix
- Laravel Illuminate Support 8.x: prefix
The PHP Prefixer Build Action prefixes the Illuminate Support 6.x, 7.x, and 8.x branches. The action configuration can be found here: .github/workflows/illuminate-support-6.x.yml, .github/workflows/illuminate-support-7.x.yml and .github/workflows/illuminate-support-8.x.yml.
The sample_laravel_6 project shows the most straightforward case to use the prefixed Laravel Illuminate Support 6.x:
$ composer install
$ php test.php
Sample date: 2021-12-17 12:00:24
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use PPP_L6\Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use PPP_L6\Illuminate\Support\Collection;
$immutableDate = CarbonImmutable::now();
Collection::make([$immutableDate])->each(function ($date) {
echo "\nSample date: {$date->toDateTimeString()}\n\n";
The sample_laravel_6_and_8 project shows a case to use the prefixed Laravel Illuminate Support 6.x and 8.x at the same time:
$ env COMPOSER=composer_laravel_6.json composer install
$ env COMPOSER=composer_laravel_8.json composer install
$ php test.php
Sample date: 2021-12-17 12:00:24
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor_laravel_6/autoload.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor_laravel_8/autoload.php';
use PPP_L6\Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use PPP_L8\Illuminate\Support\Collection;
$immutableDate = CarbonImmutable::now();
Collection::make([$immutableDate])->each(function ($date) {
echo "\nSample date: {$date->toDateTimeString()}\n\n";
- PHP-Prefixer:
- Documentation:
- Config Reference:
- API:
- Command Line:
- GitHub Action:
- Aníbal Sánchez
- PHP-Prefixer, Desarrollos Inteligentes Virtuales, SL.
MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 PHP-Prefixer.