Welcome to the repository of administration tools used the PSC Coho Technical Committee (CoTC) with the Fisheries Regulation Assessment Model (FRAM)
NOTE: You will not find any reports or data used by the technical committee to produce reports or run the model. This repository is strictly limited to providing utilities and tools to facility on going work by the committee and share those tools with people outside of the committee memebership.
This repository is very new and immature, so expect the structure and how to carry out different functions to change over time.
As these utilities are written in R, you must have R installed. If you have R installed, the scripts should automatically install the required packages for each utility.
You can download all these files by clicking on 'Download Zip' on the right-hand side of this web page.
Either just download the files as above, or clone to your desktop using a Git client.
If you plan to improve the files, then create your own fork and:
Review pull requests (on github.com)
Update your own fork (git pull)
Work, edit, make changes: (git add -> git commit -> git push)
Now your branch is ahead of the original. Go to your repo on github.com, create pull request, send pull request.