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A version checker for react-native applications. This library gets the latest app version by parsing google play store, apple app store's app information or custom url. Parsing code is referenced from here

Looking for maintainers!

I have almost zero experience in ios development, and I am no longer working on mobile app development(doing backend and devops works mainly and some web frontend). It makes me hard to maintain this library actively. Hope to have someone to help maintaining react-native-version-check!


react-native-version-check supports expo! with react-native-version-check-expo

  • usage
// import
import VersionCheck from 'react-native-version-check-expo'

VersionCheck.getCountry().then(country => console.log(country))

Getting started

  • npm
$ npm install react-native-version-check
  • yarn
$ yarn add react-native-version-check


$ git clone
$ cd react-native-version-check/example
$ yarn # or npm install
$ react-native run-android # or react-native run-ios

Automatic Installation

$ react-native link

Manual Installation

- iOS - Link Manually

  • Add .xcodeproj file as library to XCode project.

    1. In project navigator, right click Libraries
    2. Select Add Files to [PROJECT_NAME]
    3. Add the node_modules/react-native-version-check/ios/RNVersionCheck.xcodeproj file
  • Add the libRNVersionCheck.a from the RNVersionCheck project to your project's Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries

iOS - CocoaPods Package Manager

  • Add to your Podfile (assuming it's in ios/Podfile):
    pod 'react-native-version-check', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-version-check'
  • Reinstall pod with cd ios && pod install && cd ..

- Android

  • Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
include ':react-native-version-check'
project(':react-native-version-check').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/react-native-version-check/android')
  • Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
dependencies {
   compile project(':react-native-version-check')
  • Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/
import io.xogus.reactnative.versioncheck.RNVersionCheckPackage;  // <--- HERE


protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
   new RNVersionCheckPackage()            // <------ HERE


import { Linking } from 'react-native';
import VersionCheck from 'react-native-version-check';

  .then(country => console.log(country));          // KR
console.log(VersionCheck.getPackageName());        //
console.log(VersionCheck.getCurrentBuildNumber()); // 10
console.log(VersionCheck.getCurrentVersion());     // 0.1.1

  .then(latestVersion => {
    console.log(latestVersion);    // 0.1.2

    provider: 'appStore'  // for iOS
  .then(latestVersion => {
    console.log(latestVersion);    // 0.1.2

    provider: 'playStore'  // for Android
  .then(latestVersion => {
    console.log(latestVersion);    // 0.1.2

VersionCheck.getLatestVersion()    // Automatically choose profer provider using `` by device platform.
  .then(latestVersion => {
    console.log(latestVersion);    // 0.1.2

  forceUpdate: true,
  provider: () => fetch('http://your.own/api')
    .then(r => r.json())
    .then(({version}) => version),   // You can get latest version from your own api.
}).then(latestVersion =>{

  .then(async res => {
    console.log(res.isNeeded);    // true
    if (res.isNeeded) {
      Linking.openURL(await VersionCheck.getStoreUrl());  // open store if update is needed.

  depth: 2
}).then(res => {
  // false; because first two fields of current and the latest versions are the same as "0.1".

  currentVersion: "1.0",
  latestVersion: "2.0"
}).then(res => {
  console.log(res.isNeeded);  // true

  currentVersion: "2.1",
  latestVersion: "2.0",
}).then(res => {
  console.log(res.isNeeded);  // false


  • #getCountry() (Promise<country: String>) - Returns device's country code of 2 characters.

  • #getPackageName() (packageName: String) - Returns package name of app.

  • #getCurrentBuildNumber() (buildNumber: Number) - Returns current app build number.

  • #getStoreUrl([option: Object]) (Promise<storeUrl: String>) - Returns url of Play Market or App Store of app.

  • #getAppStoreUrl([option: Object]) (Promise<storeUrl: String>) - Returns url of App Store of app.

    • Option

      Field Type Default
      appID string App ID
      appName string App Name
      ignoreErrors boolean true
  • #getPlayStoreUrl([option: Object]) (Promise<storeUrl: String>) - Returns url of Play Store of app.

    • Option

      Field Type Default
      packageName string Package Name
      ignoreErrors boolean true
  • #getCurrentVersion() (currentVersion: String) - Returns current app version.

  • #getLatestVersion([option: Object]) (Promise<latestVersion: String>) - Returns the latest app version parsed from url. Returns null when parsing error occurs.

    • Option

      Field Type Default
      forceUpdate boolean false
      provider string or function provider name or function that returns promise or value of the latest version
      fetchOptions object isomorphic-fetch options (
      ignoreErrors boolean true
  • #needUpdate([option: Object]) (Promise<result: Object>) - Returns an object contains with boolean value whether update needed, current version and latest version. Current and the latest app versions are first split by delimiter, and check each split numbers into depth.

    • Option

      Field Type Default
      currentVersion string app's current version from getCurrentVersion()
      latestVersion string app's latest version from getLatestVersion()
      depth number Infinity
      forceUpdate boolean false
      provider string or function provider name or function that returns promise or value of the latest version
      fetchOptions object isomorphic-fetch options (
      ignoreErrors boolean true
    • Result

      Field Type
      isNeeded boolean
      currentVersion string
      latestVersion string




A version checker for react-native applications







No packages published


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