This project is simple course enrolment site built with React with Typescript and Spring boot with Kotlin.
The idea of the project is inspired from our course enrolment site where student can see the available courses and select the courses that they want to enrol. After that admin can see the enrolled student and take necessary actions. Firstly the student can all available courses as Follows.
If they click on enrol button they will be redirected to the login page. Otherwise, they have to #. After successfully # or log in, they can click the enrol button. There is a type of role called Admin. The admin is created when the database data is propagated. Admin can use the same log-in button as student. The admin cannot enrol to the system instead they can view the students who enrolled to the course.
An admin can change the course details as well as he can delete the course.
I used React as the frontend development technology as React with Typescript. This way I was able to get the help from VSCode intellisense to maximize my coding productivity.
The backend is implemented using Spring Boot. Since there are authentication is required I used Spring security.
Some endpoints are secured but others are not. There are two type of roles named ADMIN
There are some endpoints which is only accessible for ADMIN
. I implemented an annotation called AdminPermission
annotation class AdminPermission
If we apply this into a controller method as follows we can filter only admin requests.
fun deleteCourse(@PathVariable courseId: UUID, @CurrentUser userPrincipal: UserPrincipal?) {
Since I already have a very good experience in Spring Boot as I created microservice based Spring Boot server in Second year project, this time I wanted to make this server different. I used Kotlin as programming language for the Spring boot server. Kotlin is designed to interoperate fully with Java and JVM. Therefore, anything we write using Java can convert to Kotlin and vise versa. The advantage is that I was able to decrease huge boilerplate codes such as getters and setters by using Kotlin.
Since the frontend is built with React and the backend is built with Spring Boot the frontend and
the backend have to be bunndled together for that I used frontend-maven-plugin
and maven-resources-plugin
to put
react build file into Spring boot JAR file.
Username and password for admin is as follows.
- username: admin
- password: admin Please use the Mysql DUMP file to restore the Admin credentials if you are use this for the first time.