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It provides an easy to use, easy to deploy, easy to debug way to build reliable Discord bots.
The only dependencies that is needed is curl-7.64.0 or higher built with openssl
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential
sudo apt-get install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev
- If you do not have Ubuntu or Debian but have Windows 10, you can install WSL2 and get either Ubuntu or Debian here.
- If you have Windows but don't want to use WSL2, you can find a tutorial here
Get your bot token and paste it to
to replaceYOUR-BOT-TOKEN
. There are well written instructions from the discord-irc about how to get token and add a bot to a server. -
Invite your bot to a testing server. We can invite your bots to our testing servers.
in the same folder ofbot.config
Type any message in any public channel of the server that the bot is invited.
Close the Terminal that bot-echo is running or type "Ctrl-C" to kill it.
Instructions on how to make a ping-pong bot is found here.
Join our discord server:
Check our Discord API's development Roadmap and Coding Guidelines to get started
If you are not familiar with git and are not comformtable with creating pull requests without introducing merge commits, please check our Commit Guidelines.
The primary design goals are:
easy to use for the end users: we use multi-threading and synchronous IO to support concurrency so you only need to focus on the logic. We carefully craft the library to use computing resources efficiently so performance should never be an issue.
easy to reason about the code: we use the most native data structures, the simplest algorithms, and intuitive interfaces.
easy to debug (networking and logic) errors: extensive assertion and logging facilities.
superior reliability
Orca is implemented in plain C. The symbols are organized in a intuitive fashion to be easily identified by matching to the REST API docs.
There are three purposes for this:
- Reduce the need of thoroughly documenting every Orca API
- Reduce our user's cognitive burden of having to read both Orca API documenation and supported REST API documentations.
- The codebase becomes easier to navigate.
Orca's implementation has minimum external dependencies to make bot deployment deadly simple.
Keywords: libdiscord, discord library in C.