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ParadoxLabs is one of the world's largest payment gateways, serving over 400,000 merchants. Their services allow you to accept payment from your customers, by credit card or eCheck, straight from your website. You must have an account to use this extension (account fees will vary).

This extension brings's Customer Information Manager (CIM) service to Magento 2. CIM takes payment processing to a whole new level, by allowing your customers to store their payment info on's secure servers. This gives you and your customers the convenience of stored credit cards, with all the security of It also allows us to give you many advanced features that most payment methods aren't capable of.

For full product details, please visit our website.

Don't have an account yet? # now


  • Magento 2.3 or 2.4 (or equivalent version of Adobe Commerce, Adobe Commerce Cloud, or Mage-OS)
  • PHP 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, or 8.2
  • composer 1 or 2


  • Pay by credit card or ACH (eCheck)
  • Save credit cards (tokens) for reuse
  • Add, edit, and delete saved payment data
  • Edit orders and reorder, without having to ask the customer for CC info again
  • Authorize, Capture, or Save CC Info (without charging) at time of checkout
  • Capture funds even after the authorization expires
  • Partially invoice orders (including reauthorization on partial invoice)
  • Partially refund (online credit memo)
  • Send shipping address and line items to
  • Require CCV code when adding a card, or with every purchase
  • Validate billing address with Address Verification (AVS)
  • Update stored cards automatically with Account Updater
  • Protect against fraud with Advanced Fraud Detection Suite (AFDS) and hold-for-review
  • Integrate your systems thanks to Magento API support
  • Use a different account for each website (multi-store support)
  • Supports ParadoxLabs Adaptive Subscriptions extension

Installation and Usage

In SSH at your Magento base directory, run:

composer require paradoxlabs/authnetcim
php bin/magento module:enable ParadoxLabs_Authnetcim ParadoxLabs_TokenBase
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Before proceeding: # for an merchant account if you have not done so, and ensure your account has Customer Information Manager (CIM) enabled.

Open your Admin Panel and go to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods. If the extension installed correctly, you will see a new setting section near the bottom titled CIM. Enter your API Login ID and Transaction Key as found in your account, and complete the rest of the settings. Once you're done, click Save Config to save the changes.

After saving, if the API connection is working properly, the 'API Test Results' setting will display " CIM connected successfully." in green.

Applying Updates

In SSH at your Magento base directory, run:

composer update paradoxlabs/authnetcim
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

These commands will download and apply any available updates to the module.

If you have any integrations or custom functionality based on this extension, we strongly recommend testing to ensure they are not affected.

If you have modified the template or JS files in any theme, be sure to update them to match any changes in the extension. Failing to do this may result in errors during checkout or card management.


Please see


This module is provided free and without support of any kind. You may report issues you've found in the module, and we will address them as we are able, but no support will be provided here.

DO NOT include any API keys, credentials, or customer-identifying in issues, pull requests, or comments. Any personally identifying information will be deleted on sight.

If you need personal support services, please buy an extension support plan from ParadoxLabs, then open a ticket at


Please feel free to submit pull requests with any contributions. We welcome and appreciate your support, and will acknowledge contributors.

This module is maintained by ParadoxLabs, a Magento solutions provider. We make no guarantee of accepting contributions, especially any that introduce architectural changes.


This module is licensed under APACHE LICENSE, VERSION 2.0.