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Vagrant Parallels Provider

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This is a plugin for Vagrant, allowing to power Parallels Desktop for Mac based virtual machines.


  • Parallels Desktop for Mac 8 or higher
  • Vagrant v1.5 or higher

If you're just getting started with Vagrant, it is highly recommended that you read the official Vagrant documentation first.


The Parallels provider supports all basic Vagrant features, but "Forwarded ports" configuration is available only if you are using Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac.


First, make sure that you have Parallels Desktop for Mac and Vagrant properly installed. We recommend that you use the latest versions of these products.

Since the Parallels provider is a Vagrant plugin, installing it is easy:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-parallels

Provider Documentation

More information about the Parallels provider is available in Vagrant Parallels Documentation

We recommend you to start from these pages:

Getting Help

Having problems while using the provider? Ask your question on the official forum: "Parallels Provider for Vagrant" forum branch

If you get an error while using the Parallels provider or discover a bug, please report it on the IssueTracker.


Great thanks to Youssef Shahin @yshahin for having initiated the development of this provider. You've done a great job, Youssef!

Also, thanks to the people who are contributing to our provider.