Official Code for the Paper Transformers Can Do Bayesian Inference
We train Transformers to do Bayesian Prediction on novel datasets for a large variety of priors. For more info read our paper. You can play with our model in an interactive demo with a GP prior and compare it to the ground truth GP posterior, as described in the paper's section 5.1.
For insights into experiments, please see our notebooks
folder. From where most experiments, besides some baselines are started.
Training the transformers can be quickly done for all tasks considered, but we still provide models for the tabular tasks as convenience to be able solve new tabular tasks out-of-the-box.
Getting Started
This is a python project, we used Python 3.9 in development and recommend to use a virtualenv
or conda
To use our code, clone the project with
git clone
install all dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt
Reproducing the GP results
You can have a look at notebooks/SetupForGPFittingExperiments.ipynb. The hyper-paramters are chosen to reproduce figure 3 a). If you want to consider smaller datasets reduce bptt
and the max number of training samples provided in utils.get_weighted_single_eval_pos_sampler
Training a model with a custom prior
notebooks/BayesianModels_And_Custom_Pyro_Modules.ipynb provides a workflow to train and evaluate a PFN model with a custom prior. A prior is defined by providing a sampling procedure as a PyroModule. A prior template can be found in this notebook.
Below we show an overview of training a PFN for a custom prior. A full example can be found in BayesianModels_And_Custom_Pyro_Modules.ipynb.
class CustomModel(PyroModule):
def __init__(self, device='cuda'):
self.model = model_spec()
def forward(self, seq_len=1):
with pyro.plate("x_plate", seq_len):
d_ = dist.Normal(torch.tensor([0.0]).to(self.device), torch.tensor([1.0]).to(self.device)).expand(
x = pyro.sample("x", d_)
out = self.model(x)
return x, out
# Function which generates a model from the prior
model_sampler = lambda : BayesianModel(model_spec, device = device)
config = {'lr': 2.006434218345026e-05, 'epochs': 160}
transformer_model = get_model(model_sampler, config, should_train = True)
Evaluating Tabular Models
notebooks/TabularEvalSimple.ipynb provides a workflow to evaluate baselines and the transformer on the balanced subset of the AutoML Benchmark (filtered by Nans, number of features).
title={Transformers Can Do Bayesian Inference},
author={Samuel M{\"u}ller and Noah Hollmann and Sebastian Pineda Arango and Josif Grabocka and Frank Hutter},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},