BIG DISCLAMER OF DOOM - Back up your data. Do it. This has been tested but there may be bugs that I don't know about. Also see notes below.
- Multi-User support for using/editing the same wiki(s) simultaneously
- Multi-Wiki support - run it once and serve multiple wikis
- Create and configure new wikis from inside the root wiki
- Two-way real-time syncing between the browser and file system
- All configuration can be done from inside the wiki
- Serve external files (like images) so you can include them in your wikis
- Allows you to run shell scripts and commands from inside the wiki
A lot of the documentation is in the tiddler files in the Documentation folder of the plugin, or in the wiki in the plugin information on the control panel.
To make this more accessible to people I made it so you can download a single file and then run it and everything should work. When you run it it should even open the wiki in your default browser.
To do use this go here ( and download the file for your system (tiddlyLinux for linux, tiddlyWin.exe for windows and tiddlyOSX for mac). Then run the file.
- On windows it may ask if you want to allow node through your firewall. Say yes. If you have anti-virus software it will probably say that it is from an untrusted developer and suggest that you don't use it.
It will create an index wiki in the same folder where you run the file, so if
you want you can copy the file somewhere else. If you want to move it after you
have run it the first time just be sure to copy the IndexWiki
folder to the
same location or it will create a new one without any changes you have made.
If you are familiar with using tiddlywiki on node than you just need to put
the plugin into your plugins folder and include it in your
file. For the moment this plugin must be located in the OokTech/Bob
subfolder of your plugins folder and listed as OokTech/Bob
in the
file. You start the server using the wsserver
instead of the server
Also see
If you want to use a fresh local install of tiddlywiki here are command line instructions:
Clone the tiddlywiki repo and get the plugin (Only do this the first time to install everything):
git clone --depth=1 --branch v5.1.17
git clone --depth=1 TiddlyWiki5/plugins/OokTech/Bob
mkdir TiddlyWiki5/Wikis
cp -r TiddlyWiki5/plugins/OokTech/Bob/BobWiki TiddlyWiki5/Wikis/BobWiki/
After that is finished, and to start up tiddlywiki later type:
cd TiddlyWiki5
node ./tiddlywiki.js Wikis/BobWiki --wsserver
In a browser go to
and the wiki should load. From here any
tiddlers you create should have .tid files created in the
folder, any edits you do to those files
should be immediately reflected in the browser. Open the tiddler called
, if you go to the ip address listed there on port 8080
(on mine
right now the tiddler says
, so I put
in the
browser of another computer on the same network to access the wiki). Now any
changes you make to tiddlers on one computer will be reflected almost
immediately on the other, and any chaneges you make to tiddlers or the file
system will be almost immediately reflected in all connected wikis.
If you want to use the global tiddlywiki install you have to set the
environment variable TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH
the folder where you have your plugins. On OSX or Linux you open a terminal and
type these commands:
export TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH="/path/to/your/plugins"
export TIDDLYWIKI_EDITION_PATH="/path/to/your/editions"
tiddlywiki editions/BobWiki --wsserver
If you want to change settings see for information.
NOTE 1 - .meta files: there isn't full support for .meta files. The only
currently known limitation is that when you rename either the .meta file or the
file it describes the changes aren't correctly reflected in the browsers.
Renaming in the browser works as expected. Also empty .tid files are created
for any tiddler with a _canonical_uri
field in addition to the .meta file.
This has no effect on the wiki.
NOTE 2 - command line arguments and configuration:
I am terrible with command line arguments.
To prevent the need to have 10 or 15 command line arguments in order to fully
configure a wiki I instead added a settings
folder in the same folder that
holds the tiddlers
folder and the
file. Inside this folder
there is a settings.json
file that you can use the configure the wiki.
This also lets you change the wiki's settings from within the wiki. Most of the
settings wouldn't take effect until the wiki server is reset, so I made a way
to reset the wiki server from inside the wiki. You can also shutdown the wiki
server from inside the wiki.
Here is a more detailed list of things added or changed by this plugin
- Two-way real-time syncing between the browser and file system
- Updates the wiki in the browser immediately when any changes are made to the file system
- Immediately save changes to tiddlers made in the browser to the file system
- Syncing can ignore tiddlers based on an editable exclude filter
- Multi-User support
- Allows any number of people/computers/browser tabs to connect to the wiki server and use or edit the same wiki(s) simultaneously.
- Prevents multiple people from editing the same tiddler at the same time by disabling the edit button for tiddlers currently being edited
- Multi-Wiki support, the plugin can serve multiple wikis at once, each served wiki has all the features listed here.
- Websockets!! (used on the back-end, can be used by other plugins in the
- Adds a websocket interface to tiddlywiki (currently only used by this plugin, a git plugin is currently being developed as well as plugins to run scripts on the local computer from tiddlywiki)
- Adds an action widget that allows you to send arbitrary websocket messages to the server. This can be used to do things like trigger shell scripts from inside the wiki.
- Adds a new command
that starts up a minimal http and websocket server used for the real-time communication between the browser and server. - Adds a new command
which starts up the wiki without a server so that you can use an external server, like an expressjs server. - Allows you to reset the tiddlywiki server from the browser using a websocket message.
- Lets you run shell scripts from inside the wiki
- Everything is configurable from inside the wiki
- Your connection to the server is monitored and you are warned if there is a problem
- Serve files from the local file system (like images) so that they can be used in the wiki.
- Build a single file version of any served wikis from within the wiki.
- coming soon Exclude lists on a per-wiki and per-user basis
- coming soon each wiki is part of the same node process so communication and sharing tiddlers between the wikis is possible, I just haven't written the UI yet.
- coming soon Build single file wikis that take tiddlers from different wikis
- under consideration Security and authentication to limit access and editing