1.4 - The Chat Update
The core of this update is the single most requested feature this project has ever seen. Customization of the chat message. Issue #70 has been mentioned and asked about more than any other thing about this tool. Since the very first update users have wanted this. In addition to this we want to better inform non TF2BD users in a match what is going on. Thi…
The core of this update is the single most requested feature this project has ever seen. Customization of the chat message. Issue #70 has been mentioned and asked about more than any other thing about this tool. Since the very first update users have wanted this. In addition to this we want to better inform non TF2BD users in a match what is going on. This includes ideas such as special messages for name stealing bots and all-clear messages.
Customization is key here and developing systems for users to be able to easily craft messages is just as important as their ability to do so.