A JavaScript utility module that will support image preloading for the browser
To run a sample of how this works, simply run
through a web browser.
will take in an array of image sources to load.
It will then return a Promise (resolve or reject) depending on whether the image loads successfully or not.
It also supports accepting callback functions (eg. you want to show a progress bar while each image successfully loads).
If one of the images failed to load, it will still continue to load the rest of the images.
// the callback function arguments should be in array format
var callbackFuncSuccessArgs = ["image load successful!", "logging image load progress..."];
var callbackFuncFailArgs = ["image load failed!", "logging image load progress..."];
// the callback function that will be called upon triggered the image load/error events
function callbackFunc( strMsg, strMsg2 ) {
// the callback function will have access to the member variables of the imgPreloader module because the function will be bound to the context of imgPreloader
console.log("progress: " + this.nLoadProgress + "% (" + this.nLoadedImgNum + "/" + this.nTotalImgNum + ")");
// the image sources to load
var arrImgSrc = [
// test the preloading of the images
callbackFunc, callbackFuncSuccessArgs,
callbackFunc, callbackFuncFailArgs).then(function( imgStatusFromResolve ) {
// object from Promise.resolve
// display the images
var docFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
imgStatusFromResolve.forEach(function( imgStatusObj ) {
if ( imgStatusObj.status === "ok" ) {
var imgElem = document.createElement("img");
imgElem.setAttribute("src", imgStatusObj.src);
} );
var mainElem = document.getElementById("main");
}, function( imgErrorFromReject ) {
// object from Promise.reject
Your web browser should be able to support JS Promises.
This is an open source project under the MIT license. For more information, please refer to license.txt