Based on
Forked by Mike Nowak (
- implements an SNMP-AgentX extension for the bird-routing-daemon
To collect its data this agent:
- uses
CLI of bird - calls
to query information about used tcp-ports - reads bird's configuration files
The script depends on the following libraries:
- dateutil
- pytz
- tzlocal
It also expects the snmp-mibs-downloader
All of these can be installed on Ubuntu as follows:
apt install python3-dateutil python3-tz python3-tzlocal snmp-mibs-downloader
Add the following line to snmpd.conf
master agentx
agentxperms 0770 0770 root snmp # if you intend to run this as an unprivileged user
The script expect the timestamps to be in the iso8601 long format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
To enable this, add the following to global section of bird.conf
timeformat base iso long;
timeformat log iso long;
timeformat protocol iso long;
timeformat route iso long;
NB: Only protocol line is needed, the rest are optional, but keep the output from birdc consistent.
The scripts expects to find both neighbour and local lines per protocol as in the example below:
protocol bgp PROTOCOL_NAME {
neighbor as 65502;
local as 65501;
The script takes the following environment variables:
- BIRDCONF path to bird.conf (defaults to '/etc/bird/bird.conf')
- BIRDCLI name of birdcli exacutable (defaults to '/usr/sbin/birdc')
- SSCMD ss command syntax (defaults to "ss -tan -o state established '( dport = :bgp or sport = :bgp )'")
- BGPMIBFILE location of the BGP-MIB4 file (defaults to '/var/lib/mibs/ietf/BGP4-MIB')
- AGENTCACHEINTERVAL how long to keep results cached in seconds (defaults to '30')
Description=BIRD SNMP Agent
PermissionsStartOnly = true
User = snmp
Group = snmp
WorkingDirectory = /usr/local/bird-snmp-agent
ExecStart = /usr/bin/env python3 /usr/local/bird-snmp-agent/
ExecReload = /bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
ExecStop = /bin/kill -s TERM $MAINPID
PrivateTmp = true
NB1: The snmp
user needs to be a member of the bird
group in order to query bird.
NB2: If you decide to run the script as a non-provileged user the following are also needed:
chgrp snmp /var/agentx
chmod 0750 /var/agentx