A TypeScript module for interacting with the iNaturalist.org API.🌿
I am a full-time software engineering college student who took interest with iNaturalist.org's concept, and wanted to tinker around more with its API. This is why I am making this package to make things a little bit easier.
I am pretty new to pull requests and open-source collaboration. If you want to implement more of the iNaturalist.org API, please feel free to send a pull request. Like I said above, I am a full time college student, so please be patient with me when waiting for an approval.
It's pretty straight-forward at the moment, but we are hoping to add more functionality soon.
You first want to install this module into your NodeJS project's directory.
npm install inaturalits
Then, you can simply import it at the top of your file like so!
import { iNatClient } from "inaturalits";
// import { Types } from "inaturalits";
// This is if you want to fool around with the different types that
// the iNaturalist API commonly works with.
const iNaturalist = new iNatClient()
Note that if you want to enable safe mode, you can just pass true
into the client constructor.
const iNaturalist = new iNatClient(true)
Returns observation info behind the given ID.
iNaturalist.Observations.Get("187447390").then(function (observationData:Types.Observations.ShowObservation|null) {
Searches for observations made under the given parameters. See GET /observations for a complete list.
taxon_id: ["42054"]
}).then((result:ObservationsShowResponse) => {
Fetches a "random" observation from the specified taxa.
console.log((await iNaturalist.Observations.Random(["42054"]))?.uri)
// Expected Output >>
// https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/XXXXXXXXX
Observes and periodically fetches new observations of specific taxa from iNaturalist.org's API. Also provides subscription and unsubscription mechanisms for managing polling events.
const Poller = new iNaturalist.Observations.ObservationPoller(
// Taxa to watch
// Callback for when new observations are detected
function (newObservations: ShowObservation[]){
// Seconds between checks
// Start the polling
// End the polling
Returns taxa info behind the given ID.
const ID = "42054";
const FoxTaxon = await iNaturalist.Taxa.Get(ID);
if (FoxTaxon) {
console.log(`Successfully retrieved ${FoxTaxa.name}!`);
} else {
console.log(`Taxon with ID ${ID} does not appear to exist.`);
Searches for taxa through the specified parameters. See GET /taxa for a complete list.
q: "Vulpes"
}).then((result:TaxaShowResponse) => {
Attempts to autocomplete from the given partial taxon name, as well as some optional parameters. Mind the rate limits!
q: "Vulp"
}).then((result:TaxaAutocompleteResponse) => {
Returns the full resolution version of iNaturalist.org's
// Expected Output >>
// https://inaturalist-open-data.s3.amazonaws.com/photos/327789050/original.jpg
This project is not affiliated with iNaturalist.org. The original iNaturalist logo is property of the iNaturalist non-profit organization.
© Pencil Fox Studios SP