This repo includes my learning progress in two online courses and the codes for my blog posts.
- 【机器学习应用】【Python】监督学习概念及术语
- 【机器学习应用】【python】机器学习的好帮手——Sklearn
- 【机器学习应用】【Pyhton】K近邻算法(KNN)
- 【机器学习应用】【Python】模型评估(1)—— 交叉验证Cross Validation
- 【机器学习应用】【Python】模型评估(2)—— 网格搜索 Grid Search
- 【机器学习应用】【Python】决策树 Decision Tree
- 【机器学习应用】【Python】随机森林 Random Forest
- 【机器学习应用】【Python】支持向量机——SVM
This repo includes all my practicing codes of an online course on EaseNet Class, taught by Ph.D.Yang.
Code practice and learning materials from the course Applied Machine Learning in Python on Coursera.
Finished on May 24th, 2023 Certificate
Reference: 《Introduction to Machine Learning with Python》