Scripts to setup Pocket Network validator node updated for RC-0.5.0
(Assumes fresh Ubuntu Install logged in as root without new user)
- git clone
- cd pokt-validator-configurator
- chmod 755 ./*.sh
- ./
- Enter and confirm user password
- Press Enter 5 times to skip user info
- git clone
- cd pokt-validator-configurator
- ./
- Press Y to proceed through g-install script
- Continue to Part 3 (you are dropped into a new shell)
- Run the following command and replace YourDomainName with your domain:
sudo certbot certonly -d YourDomainName --manual --preferred-challenges dns - Enter email, Agree, Y, Y
- Create the TXT record where your domain's nameservers are hosted (wait a few minuites for propagation)
- Go back to your terminal and "Press Enter to Continue" (You should see "Congratulations!")
- cp ~/pokt-validator-configurator/ ~
- ~/
- Enter the domain name for your node used for Let's Encrypt SSL
- Continue here:
- pocket query height #Show what block you are synced to
- #Shows Peers
- pocket query node #Shows status of node