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PetrKryslUCSD committed Feb 23, 2024
1 parent 541af25 commit 743f7a6
Showing 1 changed file with 133 additions and 0 deletions.
133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions tutorials/T4NAFEMS_tut.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
module T4NAFEMS_examples
using FinEtools
using FinEtoolsHeatDiff
using FinEtoolsHeatDiff.AlgoHeatDiffModule
using FinEtools.AlgoBaseModule: richextrapol

function T4NAFEMS_T3_algo()
# ## Two-dimensional heat transfer with convection: convergence study

### Description

Consider a plate of uniform thickness, measuring 0.6 m by 1.0 m. On one
short edge the temperature is fixed at 100 °C, and on one long edge the
plate is perfectly insulated so that the heat flux is zero through that
edge. The other two edges are losing heat via convection to an ambient
temperature of 0 °C. The thermal conductivity of the plate is 52.0 W/(m
.°K), and the convective heat transfer coefficient is 750 W/(m^2.°K).
There is no internal generation of heat. Calculate the temperature 0.2 m
along the un-insulated long side, measured from the intersection with the
fixed temperature side. The reference result is 18.25 °C.

The reference temperature at the point A is 18.25 °C according to the
NAFEMS publication (which cites the book Carslaw, H.S. and J.C. Jaeger,
Conduction of Heat in Solids. 1959: Oxford University Press).

The present tutorial will investigate the reference temperature and it
will attempt to estimate the limit value more precisely using a
sequence of meshes and Richardson's extrapolation.

# ### Solution

NAFEMS benchmark.
Two-dimensional heat transfer with convection: convergence study.
Solution with linear triangles.
Version: 02/23/2024
# Conductivity matrix
kappa = [52.0 0; 0 52.0] * phun("W/(M*K)")
# Surface heat transfer coefficient
h = 750 * phun("W/(M^2*K)")
# Geometrical dimensions
Width = 0.6 * phun("M")
Height = 1.0 * phun("M")
HeightA = 0.2 * phun("M")
Thickness = 0.1 * phun("M")
tolerance = Width / 1000

# Create a material model.
m = MatHeatDiff(kappa)

# Five progressively refined models will be created and solved.
modeldata = nothing
resultsTempA = Float64[]
params = Float64[]
for nref in 2:6
# The mesh is created from two rectangular blocks to begin with.
fens, fes = T3blockx([0.0, Width], [0.0, HeightA])
fens2, fes2 = T3blockx([0.0, Width], [HeightA, Height])
# The meshes are then glued into a single entity.
fens, newfes1, fes2 = mergemeshes(fens, fes, fens2, fes2, tolerance)
fes = cat(newfes1, fes2)
# Refine the mesh desired number of times.
for ref in 1:nref
fens, fes = T3refine(fens, fes)
# The boundary is extracted.
bfes = meshboundary(fes)
# The prescribed temperature is applied along edge 1 (the bottom
# edge in Figure 1).
list1 = selectnode(fens; box = [0.0 Width 0.0 0.0], inflate = tolerance)
essential1 = FDataDict("node_list" => list1, "temperature" => 100.0)
# The convection (surface heat transfer) boundary condition is applied
# along the edges 2,3,4.
list2 = selectelem(fens, bfes; box = [Width Width 0.0 Height], inflate = tolerance)
list3 = selectelem(fens, bfes; box = [0.0 Width Height Height], inflate = tolerance)
# The boundary integrals are evaluated using a surface FEMM.
cfemm = FEMMHeatDiffSurf(
IntegDomain(subset(bfes, vcat(list2, list3)), GaussRule(1, 3), Thickness),
convection1 = FDataDict("femm" => cfemm, "ambient_temperature" => 0.0)
# The interior integrals are evaluated using a volume FEMM.
femm = FEMMHeatDiff(IntegDomain(fes, TriRule(3), Thickness), m)
region1 = FDataDict("femm" => femm)
# Make the model data
modeldata = FDataDict(
"fens" => fens,
"regions" => [region1],
"essential_bcs" => [essential1],
"convection_bcs" => [convection1],
# Call the solver
modeldata = AlgoHeatDiffModule.steadystate(modeldata)
# Locate the node at the point A [coordinates (Width,HeightA)].
list4 = selectnode(fens; box=[Width Width HeightA HeightA], inflate=tolerance)
# Collect the temperature at the point A.
Temp = modeldata["temp"]
push!(resultsTempA, Temp.values[list4][1])
push!(params, 1.0 / 2^nref)

# These are the computed results for the temperature at point A:
println("$( resultsTempA )")
# Richardson extrapolation can be used to estimate the limit.
solnestim, beta, c, residual =
richextrapol(resultsTempA[(end-2):end], params[(end-2):end])
println("Solution estimate = $(solnestim)")
println("Convergence rate estimate = $(beta)")

# Postprocessing
geom = modeldata["geom"]
Temp = modeldata["temp"]
regions = modeldata["regions"]
[geom.values (Temp.values / 100)],
scalars = [("Temperature", Temp.values)],
end # T4NAFEMS_T3_algo

end # module

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