To run any of these, first install Pharaoh Tools. Then, go to the command line, clone this repository, and change into that directory.
git clone
cd PharaohSnippets
Hello World
ptconfigure auto x --af=hello_world/hello_world.dsl.php
Using a Variable in a DSL
ptconfigure auto x --af=variables/variables.dsl.php --vars=variables/my_variable_file.php
Alternate Variable Syntax in a DSL
ptconfigure auto x --af=variables/alternate-syntax.dsl.php --vars=variables/my_variable_file.php
Using a Parameter in a DSL
ptconfigure auto x --af=parameters/parameters.dsl.php --my-test-parameter="Value From a Parameter"
Create a new single server on Digital Ocean
ptconfigure auto x --af=create_a_new_server_digitalocean/new-server.dsl.php
Create a new single server on Rackspace
ptconfigure auto x --af=create_a_new_server_rackspace/new-server.dsl.php
Create a new single server on AWS
Create a Load Balancer on Rackspace
Create a Manageable Domain on Rackspace
ptconfigure auto x --af=ensure_domin_record_rackspace/ensure_domain.dsl.php
Create a DNS Record on Rackspace
ptconfigure auto x --af=ensure_dns_record_rackspace/ensure_dns_record.dsl.php
Create a Virtual Machine
Save a Virtual Machine
Package and Deploy a Virtual Machine
Use a Packaged Virtual Machine
Kill a Process
ptconfigure auto x --af=kill_a_process/kill_process.dsl.php
Copy a file locally
ptconfigure auto x --af=copy/copy.dsl.php
SFTP put a file to a remote
ptconfigure auto x --af=sftp/sftp-put-environment.dsl.php
SFTP get a file from a remote
ptconfigure auto x --af=sftp/sftp-get-environment.dsl.php
Install a templated file
ptconfigure auto x --af=templating/install-file.dsl.php
Create a New SSH Key without Passphrase
ptconfigure auto x --af=system_detection/basic-info.dsl.php
Create a New SSH Key with Passphrase
ptconfigure auto x --af=system_detection/basic-info.dsl.php
Show Basic Node Information
ptconfigure auto x --af=system_detection/basic-info.dsl.php
Show Detailed Node Information
Ping a Machine
ptconfigure auto x --af=ping/ping.dsl.php
Test if a port is responding
ptconfigure auto x --af=port/port-responding.dsl.php
See which process is running on a port
ptconfigure auto x --af=port/port-process.dsl.php
Ensure a Service is running
ptconfigure auto x --af=service_running/service-running.dsl.php
Ensure a Service will run after reboot
ptconfigure auto x --af=service_reboots/service-reboots.dsl.php
Enable Firewall for all but HTTP, HTTPS and SSH
ptconfigure auto x --af=webserver_firewall/set_firewall.dsl.php
Turn a directory into a Website
Check hostname