This is a Ruby program for translating alphabetical characters into Braille and vice versa. Writer and reader runner files are used to perform the translations. When running the runner files 2 additional files are given from the command line, the first should contain text to be translated and the second should be a new file into which the translation will be written.
Braille uses a two-by-three grid of dots to represent characters. This concept is simulated by using three lines of symbols.
For example, the english character 'h' is represented as follows:
with a zero in the first position of the first row representing a raised dot, and two zeros in the second row representing two raised dots, and periods in the remaining spaces representing unraised spaces.
Following the same pattern, 'hello world' would be represented as follows:
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run the writer runner file with provided text file as input and empty file that will contain translated braille
$ ruby ./writer_runner.rb fixtures/lyrics.txt braille.txt
You will see a confirmation message in your terminal indicating that 'braille.txt' file was created which holds a braille-like translation of the original english text.
Run the reader runner file with provided text(braille) file as input and empty file that will contain the translated english
$ ruby ./reader_runner.rb braille.txt original_message.txt
You will see a confirmation message in your terminal indicating that 'original_message.txt' file was created which holds an english translation of the braille from 'baille.txt'. The contents of 'fixtures/lyrics.txt' and 'original_message.txt' are identical.
Within the lib directory 'night_writer.rb' and 'night_reader.rb' files provide their respective classes which take in input and output file paths upon initialization. The 'iomanager.rb' file provides the a module with methods for reading and writing files as well as methods to count characters and print confirmation to the terminal. Initialization of the writer and reader classes initializes the translator class which provides methods for splitting, translating, and concatenating text. The alphabet module provides english to braille and braille to english alphabet hashes.
TDD with minitest.