You can find another variant of this program which doesn't requires Networking function and also compatible with any application like Netcat, Telnet etc... here :
RunAsAttached (Local) version is more stable.
The goal of Networked version was to demonstrate inter-process communication using Socket programming.
RunAsAttached is a program to run a console as another user and keep new console attached to caller console. Support reverse shell mode (Ex: Netcat)
- First release
- Major bug fixed when using Netcat / Telnet etc..
- Stability improved
Unlike on UNIX based systems, on Microsoft Windows you can't run command as another user without spawning a new process then a new console window.
This is quite annoying while doing Penetration Testing but not only!
This application is a "hack" to run a new console attached to callers console. This is one method to achieve that goal.
This method is using Client / Server architecture to communicate between two processes. By default it will create a local server (listening on localhost and random port above 50 000) but you can decided to connect back to another address/port (Ex: a Netcat listener)
It is a beta release, it is working fine, but many things requires some optimization including:
Networking: This is the first technique that comes to my mind for different reasons, I will dig more about a better way. The main issue encoutered is related to disconnection. If remote conection is unexpectly (dirty) closed, it may not know about that, this is mainly because of the way I designed how I handled both Stdout/Stderr and Networking. I have some good ideas to solve that issue. It is still considered as minor, could be annoying tho.
Argument Parsing: I will enhance the clarity of that part.
Even if you don't find useful this program, you may find some interesting piece of codes:
- Winsock2 Programming
- Global Mutex (Cross Users)
- Threading
- Windows API
- Pipes