pimterm can be used to find the linux command you need. for example:
pimterm c "how do I ping example.com?"
ping example.com
pimterm command "how do i remove a file"
rm filename
pimterm q "who is cleopatra?"
Cleopatra was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt.
pimterm question "what is the capital of the netherlands?"
Make sure to add your chatgpt key to your system
pimterm c "how do i add my chatgpt key to my linux instalation?"
echo "export OPENAI_API_KEY='YOUR_API_KEY'" >> ~/.bashrc
Then install using pip ( or by downloading the files )
pip install pimterm
The ai will try to return only the command needed. Somtimes when the ai feels explenation is needed it will add it in plain text.