- This repository is my first programming project. I made this based on POO course. Most of the code is inspired by the classes, but some logics such as promoting, checkmate, and castle were made by me.
├── board
│ ├── Board.cs # (Contains logic for representing and manipulating the chess board)
│ ├── BoardException.cs # (Defines exceptions related to board operations)
│ ├── Color.cs # (Enumerates possible piece colors (Black, White))
│ └── Piece.cs # (Abstract class representing chess pieces with common properties)
│ └── Position.cs # (Defines a position data structure for board coordinates)
├── chess
│ └── Pieces # (Contains every piece on the board with its movement logics)
│ ├── Bishop.cs
│ ├── King.cs
│ ├── Knight.cs
│ ├── Pawn.cs
│ ├── Queen.cs
│ └── Rook.cs
├── ChessMatch.cs # (Manages the game flow, player turns, and check/checkmate conditions)
├── Program.cs # (Entry point for the application, initializes and runs the chess game)
└── Screen.cs # (Handles console output for board visualization and piece representation)
- This project is finished and produces a fully functional chess game. However, its pretty basic since its my first coding project. I do pretend on improving it somewhere into the future, with an actual front-end and online playing support. Thank you so much for the atention!