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Repository for versioning the Pocket NC software with the 4.4 TI RT Linux kernel.

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Pocket NC

This respository contains all the settings and software required to setup MachineKit on a BeagleBone Black for controlling the Pocket NC v2.

This document is in progress, it may not be complete or correct

Setup a BeagleBone Black for use in a Pocket NC v2

Flash BBB with latest MachineKit image

# with wget

# with curl
curl -O

xzcat bone-debian-8.7-machinekit-armhf-2017-02-12-4gb.img.xz > bone-debian-8.7-machinekit-armhf-2017-02-12-4gb.img

# on linux /dev/sdX on Mac /dev/rdiskX (on Mac you can use diskutil list to find what X is, make sure you use diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskX)
sudo dd bs=1m if=bone-debian-8.7-machinekit-armhf-2017-02-12-4gb.img of=/dev/<sdcard>

Insert the SD card into the BBB and power it on over USB. Connect to the BBB and enable the flasher script on boot. Then reboot to flash the image.

ssh machinekit@
sudo sed -i 's/^#cmdline=init=\/opt\/scripts\/tools\/eMMC\/$/cmdline=init=\/opt\/scripts\/tools\/eMMC\/' /boot/uEnv.txt
sudo reboot

Set up pocketnc user

We're going to change the machinekit user name to pocketnc by creating a temporary user, giving it sudo privileges, changing the machinekit user to pocketnc using the temporary user, then deleting the temporary user.

# use username/password machinekit/machinekit
ssh machinekit@ 
sudo adduser temporary
sudo adduser temporary sudo

ssh temporary@

# The next command will error if there are any processes running owned by the machinekit user. 
# It will list the process id. Run `sudo kill <process id>` for every process until the following command goes through.
sudo usermod -l pocketnc machinekit
sudo usermod -d /home/pocketnc -m pocketnc

# password should still be machinekit
ssh pocketnc@

# change password to pocketnc (or whatever you like)

# Setup no password for sudo
# on the last line change machinekit to pocketnc
# it should look like (no #):
# pocketnc ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL
sudo visudo

sudo deluser temporary
sudo rm -r /home/temporary
sudo ln -s /home/pocketnc /home/machinekit

Change boot message

sudo sh -c "cat <<EOF > /etc/
Debian GNU/Linux 8

Pocket NC Image (based on Machinekit Debian Image 2017-02-12)


default username:password is [pocketnc:pocketnc]

sudo cp /etc/ /etc/issue

Set up DHCP on eth0

# Uncomment line #iface eth0 inet dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces
sudo sed -i 's/^#iface eth0 inet dhcp$/iface eth0 inet dhcp/' /etc/network/interfaces

Update hostname

# Change hostname from beaglebone to pocketnc
sudo sed -i 's/beaglebone/pocketnc/g' /etc/hosts
sudo sed -i 's/beaglebone/pocketnc/g' /etc/hostname

Reboot (make sure ethernet is plugged in)

sudo reboot

Update apt-get

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Disable graphical boot

# disable lightdm (the windowing system)
sudo systemctl disable lightdm

Disable Apache

sudo systemctl disable apache2
sudo systemctl stop apache2

Install dependencies for Rockhopper

sudo pip install tornado # currently 4.5.2
sudo apt-get install graphviz graphviz-dev # 2.38.0-7
sudo pip install pygraphviz --install-option="--include-path=/usr/include/graphviz/" --install-option="--library-path=/usr/lib/graphviz"
sudo pip install netifaces

Clone this repository including submodules and run init scripts

git clone --recursive
cd pocketnc
sudo ./

mkdir ~/ncfiles

sudo reboot

Might need these steps when upgrading to kernel 4.14.x

Update the kernel

cd /opt/scripts/tools/
sudo ./ --bone-rt-channel --lts-4_14
sudo reboot

Enable uBoot overlay

sudo sed -i 's/^#uboot_overlay_addr0=\/lib\/firmware\/<file0>.dtbo$/uboot_overlay_addr0=\/lib\/firmware\/PocketNCdriver-00A0.dtbo/' /boot/uEnv.txt


Repository for versioning the Pocket NC software with the 4.4 TI RT Linux kernel.






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