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This is a multi-language repo containing scripts or tools for identifying and cataloguing Data Sources based on their URL and HTML content.


name description of purpose
.github/workflows Scheduling and automation
agency_identifier Matches URLs with an agency from the PDAP database
annotation_pipeline Automated pipeline for generating training data in our ML data source identification models. Manages common crawl, HTML tag collection, and Label Studio import/export
html_tag_collector Collects HTML header, meta, and title tags and appends them to a JSON file. The idea is to make a richer dataset for algorithm training and data labeling.
hugging_face Utilities for interacting with our machine learning space at Hugging Face The core python script uniting this modular pipeline. More details below.
openai-playground Scripts for accessing the openai API on PDAP's shared account
source_collectors Tools for extracting metadata from different sources, including CKAN data portals and Common Crawler
collector_db Database for storing data from source collectors
collector_manager A module which provides a unified interface for interacting with source collectors and relevant data
core A module which integrates other components, such as collector_manager and collector_db
api API for interacting with collector_manager, core, and collector_db
local_database Resources for setting up a test database for local development

How to use

  1. Create an .env file in this directory with these contents, or set the environment variable another way: VUE_APP_PDAP_API_KEY=KeyGoesHere
  2. Create a file in this directory containing a list of urls to be identified, or modify the existing urls.csv file. This requires one URL per line with at least a url column.
  3. Run python3 urls.csv
  4. Results will be written in the same directory as results.csv
  5. If importing "identification_pipeline_main" function, it expects a dataframe as an argument and returns a resulting dataframe


Thank you for your interest in contributing to this project! Please follow these guidelines:

  • If you want to work on something, create an issue first so the broader community can discuss it.
  • If you make a utility, script, app, or other useful bit of code: put it in a top-level directory with an appropriate name and dedicated README and add it to the index.


Note that prior to running tests, you need to install Docker and have the Docker engine running.

Tests can be run by spinning up the docker-compose-test.yml file in the root directory. This will start a two-container setup, consisting of the FastAPI Web App and a clean Postgres Database.

This can be done via the following command:

docker compose up -d

Following that, you will need to set up the uvicorn server using the following command:

docker exec data-source-identification-app-1 uvicorn api.main:app --host --port 80

Note that while the container may mention the web app running on, the actual host may be

To access the API documentation, visit http://{host}:8000/docs.

To run tests on the container, run:

docker exec data-source-identification-app-1 pytest /app/tests/test_automated

Be sure to inspect the docker-compose.yml file in the root directory -- some environment variables are dependant upon the Operating System you are using.


Identification pipeline plan

flowchart TD
    SourceCollectors["**Source Collectors:** automatic searches, citation follower, portal scrapers, agency crawlers, common crawler"]
    Logging["Logging source collection attempts"]
    API["Submitting sources to the **Data Sources API** for approval"]
    Identifier["**Data Source Identifier:** agency matcher, duplicate checker, tag collector, ML metadata labelers"]
    LabelStudio["Human labeling of missing or uncertain metadata in LabelStudio"]

    Identifier --> LabelStudio
    Identifier ---> API
    LabelStudio --> API
    Identifier --> Logging

    SourceCollectors --> Identifier

    API --> Search["Allowing users to search for data and browse maps"]
    Search --> Sentiment["Capturing user sentiment and overall database utility"]
    API --> MLModels["Improving ML metadata labelers: relevance, agency, record type, etc"]
    API --> Missingness["Documenting data we have searched for and found to be missing"]
    Missingness --> Maps["Mapping our progress and the overall state of data access"]

    %% Default class for black stroke
    classDef default fill:#fffbfa,stroke:#000,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;

    %% Custom styles
    class API gold;
    class Search lightgold;
    class MLModels,Missingness lightergold;
    class SourceCollectors,Identifier byzantium

    %% Define specific classes
    classDef gray fill:#bfc0c0
    classDef gold fill:#d5a23c
    classDef lightgold fill:#fbd597
    classDef lightergold fill:#fdf0dd
    classDef byzantium fill:#dfd6de

Training models by batching and annotating URLs

%% Here's a guide to mermaid syntax:


participant HF as Hugging Face
participant GH as GitHub
participant LS as Label Studio
participant PDAP as PDAP API

loop create batches of URLs <br/>for human labeling
  GH ->> GH: Crawl for a new batch<br/> of URLs with common_crawler<br/> or other methods
  GH ->> GH: Add metadata to each batch<br/> with source_tag_collector
  GH ->> LS: Add the batch as <br/> labeling tasks in <br/> the Label Studio project
  LS -->> GH: Confirm batch created
  GH ->> GH: add batches to a log file <br/> in this repo with URL<br/> and batch IDs

loop annotate URLs
  LS ->> LS: Users annotate using<br/>Label Studio interface

loop update training data <br/> with new annotations
  GH ->> LS: Check for completed <br/> annotation tasks
  LS -->> GH: Confirm new annotations <br/> since last check
  GH ->> HF: Write new annotations to <br/> training-urls dataset
  GH ->> GH: log batch status to file

loop check PDAP database <br/>for new sources
  GH ->> PDAP: Trigger action to check <br/> for new data sources
  PDAP -->> GH: confirm sources available <br/> since last check
  GH ->> GH: Collect additional metadata
  GH ->> HF: Write sources to <br/> training dataset

loop model training
  GH ->> HF: retrain ML models with <br/>updated data using <br/>trainer in hugging_face

Using trained models to identify URLs

Each of these steps may be attempted with regex, human identification, or machine learning. We combine several machine learning (ML) models, each focusing on a specific task or property.

%% Here's a guide to mermaid syntax:


participant HF as Hugging Face
participant GH as GitHub
participant PDAP as PDAP API

GH ->> GH: Start with a batch of URLs from <br/> common_crawler or another source <br/> with a batch log file
GH ->> PDAP: Check for duplicate URLs
PDAP ->> GH: Report back duplicates to remove
GH ->> HF: Create batch for identification
HF -->> GH: Confirm batch created

loop trigger Hugging Face models to add <br/>labels to the same dataset
  GH ->> HF: Check URLs for relevance <br/> to police, courts, or jails
  HF -->> GH: complete
  GH ->> HF: Check relevant URLs for <br/> "individual records"
  HF -->> GH: complete
  note over HF,GH: Ignore irrelevant and <br/> individual record sources <br/> for following steps
  GH ->> HF: Identify an agency or <br/> geographic area
  GH ->> HF: Identify record_type, <br/> name, and description
  HF -->> GH: Confirm batch complete

GH ->> PDAP: Submit URLs for manual approval

Docstring and Type Checking

Docstrings and Type Checking are checked using the pydocstyle and mypy modules, respectively. When making a pull request, a Github Action (python_checks.yml) will run and, if it detects any missing docstrings or type hints in files that you have modified, post them in the Pull Request.

These will not block any Pull request, but exist primarily as advisory comments to encourage good coding standards.

Note that python_checks.yml will only function on pull requests made from within the repo, not from a forked repo.


Scripts for labeling relevant URLs as Data Sources.







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