Rapid Elixir library providing implementations of the most famous algorithms, data structures and math functions. Key features of this library are:
- a high test coverage (near to 100%)
- good quality documentation with examples of usage to each function
- featured complexity of each action
The package can be installed by adding stella
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:stella, "~> 0.7.1"}
Link to hex package: https://hex.pm/packages/stella
Generated with ExDoc: https://hexdocs.pm/stella/Stella.html
- Cartesian
- Easing functions
- Isometric
- Common number operations like clamp, nearly equal, is power etc
- Time converter (hms, sec, ms etc)
- Vector 2D
- Vector 3D
- Ackermann function
- Fibonacci sequence
- Math intervals
- Quick sort
- Counting sort
- Insertion sort
- Binary search
- Bubble sort
- Queue
- Stack
- Priority queue
- Struct, converting a nested Struct to a nested Map
- Heap with heapsort
We appreciate any contribution to Stella
. You will need to have installed the newest versions of Elixir and Erlang at your machine. Then, follow the steps bellow:
Install project dependencies
$ mix deps.get
Watch tests
$ mix test.watch