npm install -g concurrently
Install node modules
Run Api on port 3001 and ui on port 3000
| | App.tsx
| |
| +---HomePage
| | | index.tsx
| | |
| | \---state
| | index.ts
| |
| index.tsx
| index.tsx
| | hooks.ts
| | store.ts
| |
| \---globalReducers
Define all external REST/GraphQL calls along with thier Adapters
Define all svg and other small assests which can potenially be inlinded using svg-inline-loader or loaded url raw,url loaders
Define Pure Components that are generic in nature and can be used in multiple places
Define any in-app constants that are not required in env file and are generally static in nature such as regexs
Define Pages and containers,along with any components that are non-generic in nature
Define Page specific Actions,Reducers and State
Define Higer Order Components that are genric in nature
Define Custom Hooks that are genric in nature
Define Global Redux Store and Store Hooks
Define Reducers used across muliple components
Define Global types
CSS in JS using styled-components