CI Status (master) | Release Pipeline | Current Release | Latest SNAPSHOT |
This repository contains:
- r5: r5 test cases (actively maintained)
- r4: r4 test cases (not maintained)
- cda: test case CDA for roundtripping/validation based on FHIR definition of CDA
- ucum: source for ucum
- validator - test cases for the cross-version validation
- target - maven administrative stuff
You can access the test cases via Maven. If using Maven doesn't suit, then another option is to download the test cases directly from
This project uses Apache Maven to build. To build:
mvn install
Note: there's no java code in here. The fact that maven is used is just to make it easy to book up other maven dependencies to the test cases
<version>(latest version)</version>
compile group: 'org.hl7.fhir.testcases', name: 'fhir-test-cases', version: '(latest version)'
Releases and release notes are published to GitHub, and can also be downloaded from Maven Central.
This project has pipelines hosted on Azure Pipelines.
- Pull Request Pipeline is automatically run for every Pull Request to ensure that the project can be built via maven. [Azure Pipeline] [source]
- Master Branch Pipeline is automatically run whenever code is merged to the master branch and builds the SNAPSHOT binaries distributed to OSSRH [Azure Pipeline][source]
- Release Branch Pipeline is run manually whenever a release is ready to be made. It builds the release binaries, distributes them to artifact repositories and sends release notifications. [Azure Pipeline][source]
A brief overview of our publishing process is here.
For more detailed instructions on cutting a release, please read the wiki
This project is maintained by the FHIR community to help implementations test their functionality.