To predict the house prices based on other features like Number of rooms, Age of the property etc.
The Dataset used is the Housing dataset which contains information about different houses in Boston. This data was originally a part of UCI Machine Learning Repository and has been removed now. We can also access this data from the scikit-learn library and kaggle. There are 506 samples and 13 feature variables in this dataset. The objective is to predict the value of prices of the house using the given features.
Demo -
Note - If the link doesn't give a quick response on click, copy and past it in a new tab and wait. It's a bit laggy on intial call but will work fine once the page loads up once.
git clone
conda create -n {Environment name} python==3.7
conda activate {Environment name}
pip install requirements.txt
copy the url eg. from the out put and paste the URL in your browser
git clone
link -
gunicorn {flask file name}:app
- Library and Dataset Imports
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Train and Testing the model
- Saving the model
Colab link to run the notebook on its own -
Note - More elaborate cell by cell explaining given in the notebook
An file is created to define endpoints which intern triggers the Predictor function. The Predictor function containing the imported model and predicts the House price based on data input provided by the user from the Web interface.
An predict.html file which contains code for a form for the user to enter data.
A requirements.txt which contains all the library required to run the application.