Description This project is a game based project. I named the game “Survive from Enemy Drones in Space”. The player is a drone. Also, the enemies are drones. The enemy drones are colored as red and the player is colored as white. The enemy drones will come from the top edge of the screen. The player has to avoid colliding with those enemy drones. Because if the player collides with the enemy drones, then the size of the player drone will increase and the health of the player will decrease. The player has a limited amount of health. As the player drones become larger and larger when it collides with enemy drones, the chances to avoid enemy drones will be lower. When the health reaches zero, the game will be over. The longer the player survive, the score will continue to increase.
The whole game is developed using only OpenGL (PyOpenGL). No built in line drawing or circle drawing method is used. The every pixel of this game is drawn using computer graphics algorithms. Midpoint Line Drawing and Midpoint Circle Drawing algorithm is used to draw the graphics of this game. No built in transformation method is used. Every transformation is done manually.
User Controls
Score System
Health System
Game Over and Restart
UI Texts for Score, Health and Game Over
Game Controls | Keys |
Move | W, A, S, D |
Restart | R |
git clone
- PyOpenGL
- PyOpenGL_Accelerate