This repo is based of off
This stack includes:
- ParseDMARC
- Elasticsearch & Kibana to store and visualize parsed data
Install Docker and Docker Compose.
Allow IMAP access to in gmail settings. Also allow less secure apps access from the accounts settings.
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --extra-vars '@passwd.yml' --tags parsedmarc
from Prodeko's infrastructure repo. -
Download & Import exports.ndjson.
Go to
click on Import
Import downloaded kibana_saved_objects.ndjson with override.
If you are not seeing recent updates in the Kibana dasboard try the following useful commands to debug cluster health and shard allocation issues:
# Run from kibana container
$ curl -XGET 'http://elasticsearch:9200/_cluster/health?pretty'
# Source:
# Understand shard allocation issues
$ curl -XGET 'http://elasticsearch:9200/_cluster/allocation/explain?pretty'
# Delete all shards
# WARNING: you should restart the container group in order to create the indices again
$ curl -XDELETE http://elasticsearch:9200/_all
# The following command was used to set the 'number_of_replicas' setting on all existing indices to 0
$ curl -XPUT "http://elasticsearch:9200/_template/default_template" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"index_patterns": ["*"],
"settings": {
"number_of_replicas": 0