SANDAL2 is a graphics engine based on SDL2 which purpose is to make object managment and graphic display easier.
To generate the Doxygen documentation, use the command:
doxygen Doxyfile
I hope you will enjoy using this tool, and if you have any comment or advice, do not feel shy and tell me (by posting an issue here) ! I will really appreciate it.
dabaldassi : version 1.2.3
From this "read-me", you can either go to :
- the read-me with more informations about the project in itself ;
- the documentation of the projet
- a small tutorial explaining how to use it ;
- or the page to report an issue about a tutorial lacking things, an update that could be done or anything that comes to your mind here.
Regardless the way you install SANDAL2, you'll need to include SANDAL2.h and use -lm -lSDL2 -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_image
compilation flags. To install SDL2, you only needs to enter those commands :
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-image-dev
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-ttf-dev
Installing :
sudo wget
sudo dpkg -i sandal2.deb
Then you'll need to add -lSANDAL2
as a compilation flag before all the SDL2 flags.
Uninstalling :
dpkg --purge sandal2
If the package is not made for your computer, or you simply want to use the github directory, you can clone the github project. Once you have it, and you are in the directory of the repository, you can install the package using this command :
sudo make install
You can also directly use the source code. A Makefile is provided in downloadable
A pseudo generic makefile is downloadable here
A FindSANDAL2.cmake
file was created for this project. Also, find files can be found for SDL2_ttf and SDL2_image. All those files are downloadable here.