The pets update - they are now very much complete.
Pets were like, 25% done before, the commands barely worked (pets would just be in a middle of another task and ignore you) and the code behind doing pets updates was a complete mess and it slowly became impossible to add new features, however that's been reworked.
Prior to running the server
Please run the update.1.5.sql migration SQL file found under tools/migrations.
And new features
- Pet commands
- Pets will now play with toys
- Pets will now consume food with the food left slowly going down
- Pets will now consume water with the water level slowly going down
- There's a special marizpan treat for dogs only (no other animals will eat this)
- There's a special chocolate mouse for cats only (no other animals will eat this)
- There's special steaks for crocs only (no other animals will eat this)
Pet commands
- [pet name] play dead/dead
- [pet name] lie down/lay
- [pet name] jump
- [pet name] sit
- [pet name] come here/come here/come over
- [pet name] go away/go
- [pet name] speak