Backend for a wishful quarantine people helper application that would be out soon. Fighting #COVID-19 one step at a time. My wish for this project:
- Lookup people who are ready to help you out when you are quarantined. For buying groceries etc.
- Register yourself as someone who can do these errands.
- A map view with markers and other stuff making it easy for people to access.
API documentation:
Collaborate at: Slack:Quarantine Help
We use python 3.7.5
for development. Make sure you have this installed on
your machine, or use pyenv
as described later in this documentation.
Install pyenv and its virtualenv manager using
$ brew install pyenv $ brew install pyenv-virtualenv $ pyenv install 3.7.5 $ eval "$(pyenv init -)" quarantine-help-api/$ pyenv virtualenv 3.7.5 env-3.7.5
This will create a pyenv-virtualenv for you and probably place it on your
. You can activate that manually usingquarantine-help-api/$ source ~/.pyenv/versions/env-3.7.5/bin/activate
or even better:
quarantine-help-api/$ pyenv activate env-3.7.5
or, there are better ways to do this if you follow Pyenv:Docs
Now you are in the right environment, install dependencies using:
(env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ pip install -r requirements.txt
usingbrew install postgis
. You can create a database and set the user roles using the following commands:CREATE DATABASE quarantined_db; CREATE EXTENSION postgis; ALTER EXTENSION postgis UPDATE; CREATE USER quarantined_user WITH PASSWORD 'ABCD123<changeThis>'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE quarantined_db TO quarantined_user; ALTER ROLE quarantined_user SET timezone TO 'UTC'; ALTER ROLE quarantined_user SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed'; ALTER ROLE quarantined_user SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
We use
hooks to format code. See that you install it using Later, install our pre-commit hooks using(env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ pre-commit install
There are some
you need to have as part of running the server. You can copy a template using:(env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ cp quarantined_backend/ quarantined_backend/
You need to modify the values there to use the applicaiton in full. -
Run the Django standard runserver steps:
(env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ python migrate (env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ python collectstatic (env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ python runserver
or even better, run it from pyCharm using your debugger.
Create a superuser and add some initial data to the database.
(env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ python createsuperuser
See that we would need a crises object to start with.
Fork and clone the repo: After forking this repo, do
$ git clone<your-username>/quarantine-help-api.git $ cd quarantine-help-api quarantine-help-api/$
Create a new environment using venv and activate it:
quarantine-help-api/$ python -m venv env-3.7.5 python=3.7.5 (env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ env-3.7.5/Scripts/activate
- You will see a folder named env-3.7.5 created
- Here, env-3.7.5 is the environment name and we need the environment to run Python 3.7.5
Now you are in the right environment, install the dependencies using:
(env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Install PostGIS - Reference
Download the installer from Enterprise DB
Click windows on the EnterpriseDB page and download the appropriate version for your computer (64bit or 32bit)
Run the
that has been downloaded to install PostgreSQL -
The default settings should be good. When prompted enter a password that you can remember
PostgreSQL's Application Stack Builder will open after finishing the installation
Select PostgreSQL from the dropdown and click next
Under "Spatial Extensions" check the most recent version of PostGIS
Use default options and after the download finishes click next to start installing
Make sure "create spatial database" is checked and change the database name to postgis
We use pre-commit hooks to format code. See that you install it using Later, install our pre-commit hooks using
(env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ pre-commit install
There are some localsettings you need to have as part of running the server. You can copy a template using:
(env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ cp quarantined_backend/ quarantined_backend/
You need to modify the values there to use the application in full
Run the Django standard runserver steps:
(env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ python migrate (env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ python collectstatic (env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ python runserver
or even better, run it from pyCharm using your debugger
Install pyenv and its virtualenv manager using
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev python-openssl git $ curl | bash
add the following lines to your
:export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/bin:$PATH" eval "$(pyenv init -)" eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
continue installing
$ pyenv install 3.7.5 $ eval "$(pyenv init -)" quarantine-help-api/$ pyenv virtualenv 3.7.5 env-3.7.5
This will create a pyenv-virtualenv for you and probably place it on your
. You can activate that manually usingquarantine-help-api/$ source ~/.pyenv/versions/env-3.7.5/bin/activate
or even better:
quarantine-help-api/$ pyenv activate env-3.7.5
or, there are better ways to do this if you follow Pyenv:Docs
Now you are in the right environment, install dependencies using:
(env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ pip install -r requirements.txt
usingsudo apt-get install postgis
. You can create a database and set the user roles using the following commands:CREATE DATABASE quarantined_db; CREATE EXTENSION postgis; ALTER EXTENSION postgis UPDATE; CREATE USER quarantined_user WITH PASSWORD 'ABCD123<changeThis>'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE quarantined_db TO quarantined_user; ALTER ROLE quarantined_user SET timezone TO 'UTC'; ALTER ROLE quarantined_user SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed'; ALTER ROLE quarantined_user SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
We use
hooks to format code. See that you install it using Later, install our pre-commit hooks using(env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ pre-commit install
There are some
you need to have as part of running the server. You can copy a template using:(env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ cp quarantined_backend/ quarantined_backend/
You need to modify the values there to use the applicaiton in full. -
Run the Django standard runserver steps:
(env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ python migrate (env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ python collectstatic (env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ python runserver
or even better, run it from pyCharm using your debugger.
Create a superuser and add some initial data to the database.
(env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ python createsuperuser
See that we would need a crises object to start with.
You can load fixtures from the folder "fixtures", e.g. quarantine-help-api/$ python loaddata fixtures/small
You can run the test suite by executing (env-3.7.5) quarantine-help-api/$ python test
or setting up the
django test configuration to PyCharm.
- Getting this error when running
python migrate
on Windows:
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Could not find the GDAL library (tried "gdal204", "gdal203", "gdal202", "gdal201", "gdal20"). Is GDAL installed? If it is, try setting GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH in your settings.
Install GDAL via OSGeo4W -
If you are still getting the same error after executing
python migrate
add gdal version present inC:/OSGeo4W/bin
to file shown in the error stack, for instance, if gdal300.dll is present add "gdal300" to the list,lib_names
under os=="nt" for Windows -
Getting this error when running
python migrate
on Windows:psycopg2.OperationalError: could not translate host name "DATABASE_HOST" to address: Unknown host
file with the rightDatabase