DynamoDB session for Telegraf
Session store in DynamoDB for telegraf bot framework
Install telegraf-session-dynamodb with npm
npm install telegraf-session-dynamodb
- Installed @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb
- Table for storing sessions, by default is telegraf-sessions. With partition key key
Example of table
You have to pass in DynamoDb store 2 parameters. region where you created table and name of the table.
in example below region: "us-east-1"
and table name table: "telegraf-sessions"
import { Telegraf, Markup } from "telegraf";
const { BOT_TOKEN } = process.env;
if (!BOT_TOKEN) throw new Error('"BOT_TOKEN" env var is required!');
const bot = new Telegraf(BOT_TOKEN);
const store = DynamoDbStore<{}>({
region: "us-east-1",
table: "telegraf-sessions"
{store: store}
const keyboard = Markup.inlineKeyboard([
Markup.button.url("❤️", "http://telegraf.js.org"),
Markup.button.callback("Delete", "delete"),
bot.start(ctx => ctx.reply("Hello"));
bot.help(ctx => ctx.reply("Help message"));
bot.on("message", ctx => ctx.copyMessage(ctx.message.chat.id, keyboard));
bot.action("delete", ctx => ctx.deleteMessage());