The program is designed to control the frequency synthesizer according to the ICOM CI-V protocol.
To control the frequency of the synthesizer, you can use a program similar to OmniRig.
As the port, we indicate the serial port organized by Arduino itself.
As the type of transceiver, indicate Ike IC-706 (the brand of the transceiver can be changed inside the program).
The program implements only a few commands that control the frequency of the main local oscillator.
The necessary commands can be supplemented based on the directory. For instance -
In the program, as an example, a synthesizer based on AD9850 is controlled.
The second version of the sketch implements support for the SI5351 synthesizer.
PS: Comments in the program in Russian. Sorry.
Вариант использования в качестве внешнего передатчика с SDR-приемником, пытался рассказать тут -