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Server Setup

Add new developer to production server

Create new user account:

sudo adduser USERNAME

Give user administrative privileges:

sudo usermod -aG sudo username

On first login, new user must change password by using the passwd command

Setup SSH

  1. Create SSH keys (There are plenty of tutorials online to do this)
  2. Create ssh folder: mkdir /home/USERNAME/.ssh
  3. Add your public key to /home/USERNAME/.ssh/authorized_keys (create file if does not exist)
  4. Restart ssh daemon: sudo systemctl restart sshd
  5. Add user to pm2 group: usermod -aG pm2 USERNAME
  6. Paste alias pm2='env HOME=/home/website/RIT-SE-Senior-Project/server pm2' into the bottom of ~/.bashrc

Install locally

Run install.bat to get dependencies set up locally

Run locally

In order to get things running locally, you'll need to run npm start in both the ./server and ./ui folders

Deploying to prod

After sshing into the server, cd into either prod or test project. Then run according script

Technical Information

  • We use nginx as a reverse proxy to serve the website. Network requests for both the UI and the server go into nginx and either get redirected to the UI's static files or to endpoints on the server.

  • The server is running locally using pm2.

  • pm2 is a pain in the butt. If you are having issues with .env variables not updating, you may need to restart the pm2 daemon by using pm2 kill to stop the pm2 process and pm2 start /home/website/RIT-SE-Senior-Project/server/main.js to start it again.

Project File Structure Info

  • Root level (not in /nginx, /server, or /ui) contains files important for deployment of code onto the production and sandbox servers

  • /nginx configuration info for the nginx server/reverse proxy

  • /server files for the backend

  • /ui files for the REACT based frontend


The Senior Project Website for RIT SE hosted at senior






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