FJMP: Factorized Joint Multi-Agent Motion Prediction over Learned Directed Acyclic Interaction Graphs
Paper | Project Page | YouTube Video
Luke Rowe, Martin Ethier, Eli-Henry Dykhne, Krzysztof Czarnecki
WISE Lab, University of Waterloo
CVPR 2023
Ranks 1st in INTERACTION Multi-Agent Prediction Benchmark
- Results
- Setup
- Preprocess Data
- Training
- Evaluation
- Visualization
- Submitting to INTERACTION Leaderboard
- License
- Citation
The expected performance (joint metrics) on the INTERACTION validation set:
Model | minFDE | minADE | iminFDE | iminADE |
FJMP | 0.63 | 0.19 | 0.67 | 0.21 |
The expected performance (joint metrics) on the Argoverse 2 validation set:
Model | Actors | minFDE | minADE | iminFDE | iminADE |
FJMP | All | 1.96 | 0.81 | 3.20 | 1.27 |
FJMP | Scored | 1.92 | 0.82 | 2.89 | 1.20 |
Start by cloning the repository
git clone
To retrieve the INTERACTION dataset, you must submit a request form, which can be found on the INTERACTION dataset website. Once you attain access to the INTERACTION dataset, download the "Data for Multi-Agent Tracks", and place the contents in the INTERACTION-Dataset-DR-multi-v1_2
directory into the dataset_INTERACTION
Follow the instructions here to download the Argoverse 2 motion forecasting data. Place the train
, val
, and test
directories into the dataset_AV2
Run the following code to install the necessary dependencies:
conda create --name FJMP python=3.8
conda activate FJMP
conda install pytorch==1.9.0 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
# install argoverse api
pip install git+
# install dgl
pip install dgl-cu111 -f
# install other dependencies
pip install -r misc/requirements.txt
# install av2 api
pip install av2==0.2.1
# install mpi4py (for horovod)
pip install mpi4py==3.1.4
# install horovod
HOROVOD_GPU_OPERATIONS=NCCL pip install horovod==0.19.4
# install lanelet2 (needed for INTERACTION map preprocessing)
pip install lanelet2
We also provide a Dockerfile to fully reproduce the environment used to train/evaluate FJMP models. To build the Docker image and run the Docker container, run:
cd docker_images
# put path/to/FJMP in file
bash ./
INTERACTION data preprocessing:
As the Argoverse 2 dataset is considerably larger, we preprocess the data in chunks (which can be done in parallel):
python3 --mode train --region 0
python3 --mode train --region 1
python3 --mode train --region 2
python3 --mode train --region 3
python3 --mode train --region 4
python3 --mode train --region 5
python3 --mode val --region 0
python3 --mode val --region 1
python3 --mode val --region 2
python3 --mode val --region 3
We use horovod to support multi-GPU training. Alternatively, training on 1 GPU is supported.
Run the following to train an FJMP model on the INTERACTION dataset on 4 GPUs:
# stage 1 training
horovodrun -np 4 -H localhost:4 python3 --mode train --dataset interaction --config_name fjmp_interaction --num_proposals 15 --gpu_start 0 --proposal_header --two_stage_training --training_stage 1 --ig sparse --focal_loss --gamma 5. --weight_0 1. --weight_1 2. --weight_2 4. --no_agenttype_encoder --learned_relation_header
# stage 2 training
horovodrun -np 4 -H localhost:4 python3 --mode train --dataset interaction --config_name fjmp_interaction --num_proposals 15 --gpu_start 0 --proposal_header --two_stage_training --training_stage 2 --ig sparse --decoder dagnn --teacher_forcing --supervise_vehicles --no_agenttype_encoder
For training on 1 GPU:
# stage 1 training
python3 --mode train --dataset interaction --config_name fjmp_interaction --num_proposals 15 --gpu_start 0 --proposal_header --two_stage_training --training_stage 1 --ig sparse --focal_loss --gamma 5. --weight_0 1. --weight_1 2. --weight_2 4. --no_agenttype_encoder --learned_relation_header --batch_size 64
# stage 2 training
python3 --mode train --dataset interaction --config_name fjmp_interaction --num_proposals 15 --gpu_start 0 --proposal_header --two_stage_training --training_stage 2 --ig sparse --decoder dagnn --teacher_forcing --supervise_vehicles --no_agenttype_encoder --batch_size 64
To train the non-factorized baseline model on the INTERACTION dataset on 4 GPUs:
horovodrun -np 4 -H localhost:4 python3 --mode train --dataset interaction --config_name baseline_interaction --gpu_start 0 --decoder lanegcn --supervise_vehicles --no_agenttype_encoder
Run the following to train an FJMP model on the Argoverse 2 dataset on 4 GPUs:
horovodrun -np 4 -H localhost:4 python3 --mode train --dataset argoverse2 --config_name fjmp_argoverse2 --batch_size 32 --max_epochs 36 --num_proposals 15 --gpu_start 0 --proposal_header --two_stage_training --training_stage 1 --ig dense --n_mapnet_layers 4 --focal_loss --gamma 5. --weight_0 1. --weight_1 4. --weight_2 4. --learned_relation_header
horovodrun -np 4 -H localhost:4 python3 --mode train --dataset argoverse2 --config_name fjmp_argoverse2 --batch_size 32 --max_epochs 36 --num_proposals 15 --gpu_start 0 --proposal_header --two_stage_training --training_stage 2 --ig dense --n_mapnet_layers 4 --decoder dagnn --teacher_forcing
For training on 1 GPU:
python3 --mode train --dataset argoverse2 --config_name fjmp_argoverse2 --batch_size 128 --max_epochs 36 --num_proposals 15 --gpu_start 0 --proposal_header --two_stage_training --training_stage 1 --ig dense --n_mapnet_layers 4 --focal_loss --gamma 5. --weight_0 1. --weight_1 4. --weight_2 4. --learned_relation_header
python3 --mode train --dataset argoverse2 --config_name fjmp_argoverse2 --batch_size 128 --max_epochs 36 --num_proposals 15 --gpu_start 0 --proposal_header --two_stage_training --training_stage 2 --ig dense --n_mapnet_layers 4 --decoder dagnn --teacher_forcing
To train the non-factorized baseline model on the Argoverse 2 dataset on 4 GPUs:
horovodrun -np 4 -H localhost:4 python3 --mode train --dataset argoverse2 --config_name baseline_argoverse2 --batch_size 32 --max_epochs 36 --gpu_start 0 --n_mapnet_layers 4 --decoder lanegcn
We include a sample log of an Argoverse 2 training run on 4 GPUs at misc/log
We provide FJMP model checkpoints and sample logs for both the INTERACTION and Argoverse 2 datasets. Model checkpoints can be found in the logs
directory, with expected results listed above in the Results section of this README.
To fully evaluate the interactive metrics, we first must compute FDEs with a constant velocity model:
# interaction
python3 --dataset interaction --mode eval_constant_velocity
# argoverse 2
python3 --dataset argoverse2 --mode eval_constant_velocity
We can now evaluate FJMP by setting the mode to eval
. Comprehensive evaluation is supported with 1 GPU:
# INTERACTION evaluation
python3 --mode eval --dataset interaction --config_name fjmp_interaction --num_proposals 15 --gpu_start 0 --proposal_header --two_stage_training --training_stage 2 --ig sparse --decoder dagnn --teacher_forcing --supervise_vehicles --no_agenttype_encoder
# Argoverse 2 evaluation
python3 --mode eval --dataset argoverse2 --config_name fjmp_argoverse2 --batch_size 32 --max_epochs 36 --num_proposals 15 --gpu_start 0 --proposal_header --two_stage_training --training_stage 2 --ig dense --n_mapnet_layers 4 --decoder dagnn --teacher_forcing
To evaluate the interaction graph (stage 1) predictor:
# INTERACTION evaluation
python3 --mode eval --dataset interaction --config_name fjmp_interaction --num_proposals 15 --gpu_start 0 --proposal_header --two_stage_training --training_stage 1 --ig sparse --focal_loss --gamma 5. --weight_0 1. --weight_1 2. --weight_2 4. --no_agenttype_encoder --learned_relation_header
# Argoverse 2 evaluation
python3 --mode eval --dataset argoverse2 --config_name fjmp_argoverse2 --batch_size 32 --max_epochs 36 --num_proposals 15 --gpu_start 0 --proposal_header --two_stage_training --training_stage 1 --ig dense --n_mapnet_layers 4 --focal_loss --gamma 5. --weight_0 1. --weight_1 4. --weight_2 4. --learned_relation_header
To visualize predictions with a trained FJMP model, set the mode to viz
and specify a space-separated set of indices to visualize in the train/validation set with the --scene_idxs_to_viz
flag. The mapping from scene indices to INTERACTION scenarios can be found in dataset_[INTERACTION/AV2]/mapping_[train/val].pkl
. Visualizations will be saved to the viz
directory. Here is an example on the INTERACTION dataset:
python3 --mode viz --dataset interaction --config_name fjmp_interaction --num_proposals 15 --gpu_start 0 --proposal_header --two_stage_training --training_stage 2 --ig sparse --decoder dagnn --teacher_forcing --supervise_vehicles --no_agenttype_encoder --scene_idxs_to_viz 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000
To submit to the INTERACTION leaderboard, we first recommend re-training FJMP on both the train and validation sets, where we use the checkpoint after 50 epochs of training to build the submission. To train with both the train and validation sets, first create the combined train+validation set by running:
Then, train the FJMP models as usual with the --train_all
flag enabled during both stage 1 and stage 2 training.
To create a submission file for the INTERACTION benchmark, run the following, replacing config_name
with the config name for submission. This will create a directory sub
which you can submit to the INTERACTION benchmark:
python3 --mode eval --dataset interaction --config_name config_name --num_proposals 15 --gpu_start 0 --proposal_header --two_stage_training --training_stage 2 --ig sparse --decoder dagnn --supervise_vehicles --no_agenttype_encoder
title={{FJMP}: Factorized Joint Multi-Agent Motion Prediction over Learned Directed Acyclic Interaction Graphs},
author={Rowe, Luke and Ethier, Martin and Dykhne, Eli-Henry and Czarnecki, Krzysztof},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},