This repository provides a ROCm(TM) HIP backend for Numba.
Only for AMD MI series GPUs on Linux systems
So far the Numba HIP backend has only been used and tested with AMD MI series GPUs on Linux systems. CUDA(R) devices are not supported.
Experimental project
With this release, we primarily want to accomplish two things:
- Support internal projects that require a Numba backend for AMD GPUs. All features that have been implemented so far were driven by the requirements of those internal projects.
- Give Numba developers additional context on how to create infrastructure that supports multiple accelerator targets. (See also: RFC: Moving the CUDA target to a new package maintained by NVIDIA)
However, we are also happy to get feedback from early adopters on their experience with the new Numba HIP backend. So if you give Numba HIP a try, let us know about your experience. We are looking forward to your suggestions, issue reports, and pull requests!
Numba is an open source, NumPy-aware optimizing compiler for Python sponsored by Anaconda, Inc. It uses the LLVM compiler project to generate machine code from Python syntax.
Numba can compile a large subset of numerically-focused Python, including many NumPy functions. Additionally, Numba has support for automatic parallelization of loops, generation of GPU-accelerated code, and creation of ufuncs and C callbacks.
For more information about Numba, see the Numba homepage: and the online documentation:
Numba HIP's programming interfaces follow Numba CUDA's design very closely.
Aside from the module name hip
, there is often no difference between
Numba CUDA to Numba HIP code.
Example 1 (Numba HIP):
from numba import hip
def f(a, b, c):
# like threadIdx.x + (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x)
tid = hip.grid(1)
size = len(c)
if tid < size:
c[tid] = a[tid] + b[tid]
Example 2 (Numba CUDA):
from numba import cuda
def f(a, b, c):
# like threadIdx.x + (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x)
tid = cuda.grid(1)
size = len(c)
if tid < size:
c[tid] = a[tid] + b[tid]
As Numba HIP allows to use syntax that is so similar to that of Numba CUDA and there are already many projects that use Numba CUDA, we have introduced a feature to the Numba HIP backend that allows it to pose as the Numba CUDA backend to dependent applications. We demonstrate the usage of this feature in the example below:
Example 3 (Numba HIP posing as Numba CUDA):
from numba import hip
hip.pose_as_cuda() # now 'from numba import cuda'
# and `numba.cuda` delegate to Numba HIP.
# unchanged Numba CUDA snippet (Example 2)
from numba import cuda
def f(a, b, c):
# like threadIdx.x + (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x)
tid = cuda.grid(1)
size = len(c)
if tid < size:
c[tid] = a[tid] + b[tid]
Generally, we aim for feature parity with Numba CUDA.
The following Numba CUDA features are not available via Numba HIP:
- Cooperative groups support (ex:
) - Atomic operations for tuple and array types,
- Runtime kernel debugging functionality,
- Device code printf,
- HIP Simulator equivalent to CUDA Simulator (low priority, users can potentially reuse CUDA simulator),
- Half precision (fp16) operations.
Note further that so far only limited effort has been spent on optimizing the performance of the just-in-time compilation infrastructure.
- While Numba CUDA utilizes the
IR library, Numba HIP generates an architecture-specific LLVM bitcode library from a HIP C++ header file at startup of a Numba HIP program. However, a filesystem cache ensures that this needs to be done only once for a given session. The presence of such an additional caching mechanism must be considered when benchmarking. - While Numba CUDA manually/semi-automatically creates basic device function signatures and the respective lowering
procedures, Numba HIP does this fully-automatically from the aforementioned HIP C++ header file via the LLVM
Python bindings. - Furthermore, Numba HIP automatically links the HIP device library functions with the
module and uses a mechanism for recursive attribute resolution.
Supported Numba versions
The Numba HIP backend has been tested with the following Numba versions:
- 0.58.*
- 0.59.*
- 0.60.0
Other versions have not been tested; using the Numba HIP backend with these versions might work or not.
Make sure that your pip
is upgraded by running
pip install --upgrade pip
Dependencies of Numba HIP are currently partially distributed via Test PyPI.
Therefore, you need to specify an extra index URL in your pip
as shown below:
pip config set global.extra-index-url
Those dependencies further are depending on a particular ROCm release.
We use optional dependency lists to make this configurable; see the
file for more details.
To install dependencies for a ROCm release of a particular version, you need
to specify an dependency key in the format
(example: rocm-6-1-2
) when building
the Numba HIP package. If you leave the key aside, pip
will either use
already installed versions of the dependencies or install the latest release
of these dependencies, which are compatible with the most recent release of ROCm
but potentially not with older ROCm releases.
The easiest way to install Numba HIP is by passing the repository URL and
optionally the branch that you want to build directly to pip
pip install --upgrade pip
pip config set global.extra-index-url
# syntax 1: pip install git+<URL>@<branch>
# syntax 2: pip install "numba-hip[rocm-<major>-<minor>-<patch>] @ git+<URL>@<branch>"
pip install "numba-hip[rocm-6-1-2] @ git+"
# alternatively: checkout a branch like 'dev':
# pip install "numba-hip[rocm-6-1-2] @ git+"
ROCm key must agree with your environment
Do not forget to change the ROCm version rocm-6-1-2
(format: rocm-<major>-<minor>-<patch>
) to a key that agrees with your
ROCm installation so that dependency versions compatible with your
ROCm installation are installed by pip
Install with optional test dependencies:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip config set global.extra-index-url
# syntax 1: pip install "numba-hip[test] @ git+<URL>@<branch>"
# syntax 2: pip install "numba-hip[rocm-<major>-<minor>-<patch>,test] @ git+<URL>@<branch>"
pip install "numba-hip[rocm-6-1-2,test] @ git+"
# alternatively: checkout a branch like 'dev':
# pip install "numba-hip[rocm-6-1-2,test] @ git+"
After cloning the repository, you can also install the package via pip install
git clone
# alternatively: checkout a branch like 'dev':
# pip clone -b branch
pip install --upgrade pip
pip config set global.extra-index-url
python3 -m pip install .[rocm-6-1-2]
# alternatively: install optional test dependencies:
# variant 1: python3 -m pip install .[test]
# variant 2: python3 -m pip install .[rocm-6-1-2,test]
ROCm key must agree with your environment
Do not forget to change the ROCm version rocm-6-1-2
(format: rocm-<major>-<minor>-<patch>
) to a key that agrees with your
ROCm installation so that dependency versions compatible with your
ROCm installation are installed by pip
After cloning the repository, you can also build a Python wheel and then distribute it (or install it):
git clone
# alternatively: checkout a branch like 'dev':
# pip clone -b branch
pip install --upgrade pip
pip config set global.extra-index-url
pip install build # install PyPA build
python3 -m build --wheel .
# optional: install the wheel:
pip install dist/*.whl
# alternatively: install optional test dependencies:
# pip3 install dist/numba_hip-0.1-py3-none-any.whl[rocm-6-1-2]
ROCm key must agree with your environment
Do not forget to change the ROCm version rocm-6-1-2
(format: rocm-<major>-<minor>-<patch>
) to a key that agrees with your
ROCm installation so that dependency versions compatible with your
ROCm installation are installed by pip
Numba has a discourse forum for discussions: