noPoll is a OpenSource WebSocket implementation (RFC 6455) , written in ansi C , that allows building pure WebSocket solutions or to provide WebSocket support to existing TCP oriented applications.
Here is a simple implementation for RT-Thread based on noPoll , temporarily only support non-encrypted operation.
There is a websocket client example at examples/nopoll_client.c
Test server host :
Test server port : 80
Run the example at MSH
as follows :
msh />nopoll_client
web socket connection ready!
sending content..
recv: Hello RT-Thread!
sendcnt = 1
If your compiler is not offered strdup
function , you can implement it yourself as shown below :
/* _strdup.c */
#include <rtthread.h>
char *strdup(const char *s)
size_t len = strlen(s) + 1;
char *tmp = (char *)rt_malloc(len);
if(!tmp) return NULL;
rt_memcpy(tmp, s, len);
return tmp;
Please config the project as shown below :
The RT-Thread Component/Device virtual file system/The maximal number of opened files
value need to greater or equal to RT-Thread Component/Network stack/light weight TCP/IP stack/The number of raw connection
1 WebSocket Official website :
2 noPoll Official website :
3 noPoll GitHub repository :
4 WebSocket test server :