This fork is no longer maintained. Please visit to install the latest version of scTDA.
scTDA is an object oriented python library for topological data analysis of high-throughput single-cell RNA-seq data. It includes tools for the preprocessing, analysis, and exploration of single-cell RNA-seq data based on topological representations.
To install scTDA run:
pip install scTDA
Alternatively, you can download the source code and run:
python install
For optimal visualization results it is strongly recommended to have Graphviz tools and PyGraphviz installed.
scTDA can be imported using the command:
import scTDA
A tutorial illustrating the basic scTDA workflow can be found in doc/scTDA Tutorial.html
. The source notebook and data files for the
tutorial can be downloaded here.
More details on the scTDA algorithm can be found in:
Rizvi, A. H.*, Camara, P. G.*, Kandror, E. K., Roberts, T. J., Scheiren, I., Maniatis, T., and Rabadan, R., "Single-Cell Topological RNA-Seq Analysis Reveals Insights Into Cellular Differentiation and Development", Nat. Biotechnol. (2017). In press. [* These authors contributed equally to this work.]