A Leiningen plugin to use launch4j to generate an .exe wrapper for your Clojure project.
Install launch4j somewhere on your local machine.
Put [lein-launch4j "0.1.2"]
into the :plugins
vector of your
Then add :launch4j-install-dir "/path/to/launch4j"
to your :user
profile. It should end up
looking something like this:
{:plugins [[lein-launch4j "0.1.2"]]
:launch4j-install-dir "/home/geoff/launch4j"}}
Now you need to create a config.xml file for your project.
Place it somewhere in your project, I happen to like the resources
folder. Then put :launch4j-config-file "relative-path/to/config.xml"
Now you can package your app with launch4j just by running:
$ lein launch4j
Leiningen 1.x is not supported, and not planned.
Copyright © 2013-2016 Geoff Shannon
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.