Peer-to-peer LoRa wireless protocol software We developed a wireless protocol for peer-to-peer communication as well as server communication. The protocol is capable of efficiently sending messages between simple radio modules (e.g. LoRa) in a fast, secure and reliable way. The RadioShuttle protocol supports thousands of nodes, security via SHA256 based auhorization, and AES encrypted messages. This software is equally suitable as a node or as a server. RadioShuttle protocol offers an easy-to-use C++ API and turnkey sample applications for Arduino and Mbed OS.
We do not make use of the LoRaWAN protocol because is lacks efficiency, does not support direct node-to-node communication, and is too costly and complicated for many applications.
RadioShuttle integrates into standard MQTT environments via its MQTT gateway (ESP32 ECO Power board). It also supports MQTT push messages to mobile clients via our MQTT Push Client app for Android and iOS.
We have a varity of RadioShuttle compatible boards available (LongRa, ECO Power and Turtle boards). The source code allows users to get an insight of our protocol. We support custom board developments utilizing the RadioShuttle protocol. Inquiries are welcome.
Helmut Tschemernjak
The easiest way to test the protocol is to get a pair of the RadioShuttle supported boards. The solution includes hardware and software ready to go. Everyone (even non-programmers) should be able to get example applications up and running. See details on
- Mbed OS (STM32L4, STM32L0 )
- Arduino (ESP32, D21)
- Linux planned
- Supported boards: LongRa, ECO Power, and Turtle boards from
The library depends on a common radio driver. At present, the SX1276GenericLib is used:
- Custom radio drivers for other radio chipsets can be developed when using the same radio API as the SX1276GenericLib driver.
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Most of the software is provided under the Apache 2.0 license, see individual file headers. Contributions to this project are accepted under the same license. One protocol source file: RadioShuttle.cpp is under copyright of Helmut Tschemernjak and is subject to a license fee for any use. RadioShuttle boards customers are already licensed.
This protocol implementation has initially been written by the RadioShuttle engineers ( Many thanks to everyone who helped bringing this project forward.
- RadioShuttle website:
- The RadioShuttle wireless protocol:
- LoRa basics:
- MQTT basics:
- MQTT Push Client (app)
- Supported radio chips: