Welcome to my repository! This is where I am collecting and organizing all the exercises, projects, and presentations from the various courses I’ve taken over the years. As a student pursuing a Software Engineering career, I believe it’s essential to have everything in one place—both for knowledge refreshment and for showcasing the hard work and dedication I've put into learning.
The main goal of this repository is to:
- Organize: Keep track of all the exercises from different courses I’ve completed.
- Refresh: Revisiting old material is a great way to refresh and deepen my understanding.
- Learn: Continue building on what I’ve learned by practicing and applying concepts.
- Share: Present my journey in a structured way for others who might find it useful.
I’ll keep adding:
- More exercises as I revisit them.
- Presentations or summaries from each course.
- Solutions to coding challenges and algorithms.
Feel free to check out the materials, and if you have any suggestions or tips for improving the code, I’m open to feedback and collaboration!
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
By having everything in one place, I aim to stay focused and ensure continuous learning as I strive to achieve my goal of becoming a Google Software Engineer. 🌟