Improved support for Raku in Vim.
Once installed, all files ending in .raku
, .rakumod
, .rakudoc
and .rakutest
(and also .pl6
, .pm6
, .p6
, and .t6
for legacy
purposes) will make use of the plugin's features.
Installation of this plugin can be done via any of the available plugin managers, such as Pathogen, vim-plug, vundle or any other one.
Clone this repository in vim autoload packages directory:
$ # installation
$ git clone ~/.vim/pack/vim-raku-pack/start/vim-raku
$ # testing
$ vim /tmp/example.raku +'syntax' +'q'
For more details follow those instructions:
$ vim +'help packages' +'only'
Not all features are enabled by default. This is in part due to them still being considered in testing, or because they may influence your regular workflow too much. These can be enabled by setting a certain variable to a truthy value.
can use Vim's abbreviation feature to convert ASCII based operators
to their Unicode equivalents on the fly. To enable this feature, add the
following line to your vimrc
let g:raku_unicode_abbrevs = 1
This project is available under the MIT License.