This task simulates receiving messages over a network stream and processing them efficiently. The messages are received one at a time (serialized) so we are using a single producer, but to possibly increase throughput, we want to use multiple processors.
We are asking you to use one thread to read the file one line at a time and a configurable number of threads to handle processing messages.
A sample file (multi_thread_messages.txt) is included that contains one message per line where values are delimited by '|'.
The first value in each line is the message ID.
- message ID is of type String
- message IDs can and will repeat
- number of unique IDs is unknown
- format of message IDs is unknown (ie. don't assume one character from A-Z)
The second value is how long it takes to process the message (in milliseconds) and the third value is the payload. none of the values will contain the delimiter so you can assume there will at most be two '|' characters per line.
if message id is not present and processing time is present (|500|) then the producer needs to stop producing for 500ms. This simulates a pause in incoming messages.
The second value (the number of ms processing will take) can not be used for anything other than sleeping. In a real world scenario, processing time or delays between messages will not be know and processing will take whatever time it takes. This value must not be used in any part of the algorithm.
All messages with the same id must be processed in the order they appear in the file.
So for example, if these are the messages in the file:
A|1000|Monday B|1000|Wednesday D|3000|Friday A|50|Tuesday B|100|Thursday |10000| D|100|Saturday
then 'Monday', 'Wednesday', 'Friday' can be processed at the same time independently of each other, and 'Tuesday', 'Thursday', 'Saturday' can be processed at the same time independently of each other, but 'Tuesday' must be processed after 'Monday', and 'Thursday' after 'Wednesday' and 'Saturday' after 'Friday' The producer will pause for 10 seconds before sending 'Saturday' for processing.
Each line provides the value for how long the consumer should sleep to simulate the message processing time.
Write a program (Java or an Object Oriented language of your choice) without using external third party libraries. You cannot sort the file, or read through the entire file before sending items to process. Must treat each line in the file as if you do not know the next line.
Include a Readme.txt describing the algorithm in detail so that it can be understood by developers and technical business analysts. As part of the source code, please use comments to explain the design choices.
The program should accept consumer count and source file location as a parameters. If written in Java:
- java InterviewSolution 5 multi_thread_messages.txt
Output of the program should be the <ORIGINAL_MESSAGE>; Thread: <THREAD_ID>; Start: HH:mm:ss.SSS; End: HH:mm:ss.SSS
(The below output sample is for formatting only. The accuracy of thread ids, order, start and end times may not be correct) Output Sample:
09:12:10.000 - STARTING - Consumers: 5; File: .../multi_thread_messages.txt
A|1000|Monday; Thread: XX; Start: 09:12:10.000; End: 09:12:11.000 B|1000|Tuesday; Thread: XX; Start: 09:12:10.000; End: 09:12:11.000 A|50|Wednesday; Thread: XX; Start: 09:12:11.000; End: 09:12:11.050 B|100|Thursday; Thread: XX; Start: 09:12:11.000; End: 09:12:11.100 D|3000|Friday; Thread: XX; Start: 09:12:10.000; End: 09:12:13.000 D|100|Saturday; Thread: XX; Start: 09:12:23.000; End: 09:12:23.100
09:12:23.100 - END
This solution uses Files.lines(Paths.get(path))
to create a stream of lines that are individually wrapped in a
processor class Consumer
and passed to an ExecutionSevice
like instance of
, along with the message id, to be executed.
The executor class FixedOrderedExecutor
has two instance fields, a delegate ExecutorService
a Map
made up of string key, and a Queue
of Runnable
. The execute method takes the message id key,
and attempts to retrieve the corresponding Queue
, if the queue exists, the Consumer
is added to it, otherwise
a new instance of the inner class TaskQueue
, a Runnable
is created and the Consumer
is added,
before submitting the new instance of TaskQueue
to be executed on the delegate ExecutorService
Fixed ugly hack, using CompletableFuture<Void>