To run docker 1.0.4 on hadoop follow the below steps.
Clone the repo
git clone
to bring up the cluster and watch the logs.docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f
If using boot2docker use the boot2docker IP to access the web interfaces
Namenode Web UI : http://<boot2docker ip>:50070 Jobtracker Web UI : http://<boot2docker ip>:50030
If running on on a Linux system where containers are directly accessible
Get the master container IP as shown
docker exec -it ifconfig
Access web interfaces
Namenode Web UI : http://<master container ip>:50070 Jobtracker Web UI : http://<master container ip>:50030
Scaling the slave containers
You can scale up and down the slave containers as shown below.
docker-compose scale agent=<number of agents>
For example if you want 5 slave (tasktracker + datanode) you can execute the below command
docker-compose scale agent=5