Agnostic Framework scheduler for Typescript using decorators
The objective of scheduler in has the control of all internal jobs of a application and control the flow of application in an unique class.
- Execute static job function
- Handle jobs in central function
- Execute instanciate variable job function
- Create documentation page
- More utilities in Scheduler and Decorators
Using npm:
npm install scheduler-ts
You will need to import your class in your index.ts or in a subclass
// index.ts
import Jobs from './Jobs.ts'
const sleep = (ms: number | undefined) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const app =async function() {
const jobs = new Jobs(); // Only for non static jobs!!
console.log('Application bootstraping');
await sleep(1000 * 60 * 2);
console.log('Application end');
.then(() => {
// grafully shutdown
Then you could implement your Jobs in different ways:
You can put a decorator in any static function and this function will be invoked each time
// Jobs.ts
import {Cron, Interval, ScheduledExecution} from 'scheduler-ts';
export default class Jobs {
@Cron("* */2 * * * *")
static sayHello(execution: ScheduledExecution) {
@Interval(1000 * 60)
static sayHola(execution: ScheduledExecution) {
WARNING!! Scheduler Instance is thrown it each time a Jobs instance is thrown it, if you could not control the initialization the jobs will be invoked X times of initialization has the target class
// Jobs.ts
import {Cron, Interval, ScheduledExecution, SchedulerInstance} from 'scheduler-ts';
export default class Jobs {
@Cron("1 * * * * *")
sayHello(_execution: ScheduledExecution) {
@Interval(1000 * 60)
sayHola(_execution: ScheduledExecution) {
Application bootstraping
Application end
Like instance load the job any time a class instance is create with its decorator, we could use IoC for do that, But we recomend it use Singleton pattern
- Tysringe:
import {Cron, Interval, ScheduledExecution, SchedulerInstance} from 'scheduler-ts';
import { singleton } from 'tsyringe';
export default class Jobs {
@Cron("1 * * * * *")
sayHello(_execution: ScheduledExecution) {
@Interval(1000 * 60)
sayHola(_execution: ScheduledExecution) {
- Nest.js:
import {Cron, Interval, ScheduledExecution, SchedulerInstance} from 'scheduler-ts';
import { Injectable, Scope } from '@nestjs/common';
@Injectable({ scope: Scope.DEFAULT })
export default class Jobs {
@Cron("1 * * * * *")
sayHello(_execution: ScheduledExecution) {
@Interval(1000 * 60)
sayHola(_execution: ScheduledExecution) {
- Typedi: (All components are singletons)
import {Cron, Interval, ScheduledExecution, SchedulerInstance} from 'scheduler-ts';
import { Service } from 'typedi';
export default class Jobs {
@Cron("1 * * * * *")
sayHello(_execution: ScheduledExecution) {
@Interval(1000 * 60)
sayHola(_execution: ScheduledExecution) {
You could setting your cron with differents settings like in node-cron, in your annotations cron settings:
import {Cron, Interval, ScheduledExecution, SchedulerInstance} from 'scheduler-ts';
import { Service } from 'typedi';
export default class Jobs {
name: 'my-cron',
timezone: 'America/Sao_Paulo',
cron: '* 1 * * * *',
sayHello(_execution: ScheduledExecution) {
Scheduler is a main class where you could setting the whole jobs in here you could start all, stop all, stop one task....
- Stop all jobs of app
import Scheduler from 'scheduler-ts'; // Singleton instance you could invoker what ever you want!!
- Stop all jobs of app
import Scheduler from 'scheduler-ts'; // Singleton instance you could invoker what ever you want!!
- Retreive all jobs of app
import Scheduler from 'scheduler-ts'; // Singleton instance you could invoker what ever you want!!
- Remove all jobs of app
import Scheduler from 'scheduler-ts'; // Singleton instance you could invoker what ever you want!!
All apply same actions to specific job by name
import Scheduler from 'scheduler-ts'; // Singleton instance you could invoker what ever you want!!
Scheduler.get('my-job'); // ...